RRC ID 82676
Author Ohno Y, Toshino M, Mohammed AFA, Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Onodera R, Higashi T, Motoyama K.
Title Mannose-methyl-β-cyclodextrin suppresses tumor growth by targeting both colon cancer cells and tumor-associated macrophages.
Journal Carbohydr Polym
Abstract Methylated β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) can extract cholesterol from lipid rafts and induce apoptosis in cancer cells by inhibiting activation of the PI3K-Akt-Bad pathway. In this study, we modified MβCD with mannose (Man-MβCD) and assessed its in vitro and in vivo potential for targeting colon cancer cells expressing the mannose receptor (MR) and tumor-associated macrophages (TAM). Man-MβCD showed a significantly greater level of cellular association with colon-26 cells and M2 macrophages, and much more prominent anticancer activity than that of MβCD against MR-positive colon-26 cells. These results revealed that autophagy was the main mechanism of cell death associated with Man-MβCD. Furthermore, compared with MβCD, Man-MβCD significantly reduced tumor development following intravenous delivery to tumor-bearing mice, with no apparent side effects. Thus, Man-MβCD has the potential to be a novel anticancer drug.
Volume 305
Pages 120551
Published 2023-4-1
DOI 10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.120551
PII S0144-8617(23)00015-2
PMID 36737200
MeSH Animals Colonic Neoplasms* / drug therapy Mannose Mice Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases / metabolism Tumor-Associated Macrophages beta-Cyclodextrins* / pharmacology beta-Cyclodextrins* / therapeutic use
Human and Animal Cells Colon-26(RCB2657)