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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells MDA-MB-453(RCB1192) Maitake Beta-Glucan Enhances the Therapeutic Effect of Trastuzumab via Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity and Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity.
Mice RBRC05508 ERdj5 in Innate Immune Cells Is a Crucial Factor for the Mucosal Adjuvanticity of Cholera Toxin.
Human and Animal Cells P-815(RCB1167) 1270 nm near-infrared light as a novel vaccine adjuvant acts on mitochondrial photoreception in intradermal vaccines.
Human and Animal Cells TE-14(RCB2101) Nano-particulate Toll-like Receptor 9 Agonist Potentiates the Antitumor Activity of Anti-Glypican-1 Antibody.
Human and Animal Cells LLC(RCB0558) Ionic Liquid-Based Transcutaneous Peptide Antitumor Vaccine: Therapeutic Effect in a Mouse Tumor Model.
Human and Animal Cells NIH3T3 A single immunization with cellular vaccine confers dual protection against SARS-CoV-2 and cancer.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Enhancement of the Immunostimulatory Effect of Phosphodiester CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides by an Antiparallel Guanine-Quadruplex Structural Scaffold.
Human and Animal Cells NIH3T3 Systemic DC Activation Modulates the Tumor Microenvironment and Shapes the Long-Lived Tumor-Specific Memory Mediated by CD8+ T Cells.
Human and Animal Cells HL-60(RCB3683) Induction of specific adaptive immune responses by immunization with newly designed artificial glycosphingolipids.
Human and Animal Cells Jurkat(RCB0806) Suppression of T cell responses by chondromodulin I, a cartilage-derived angiogenesis inhibitory factor: therapeutic potential in rheumatoid arthritis.
Mice RBRC01888 PGD2 deficiency exacerbates food antigen-induced mast cell hyperplasia.
Mice RBRC00915 IRF9 and STAT1 are required for IgG autoantibody production and B cell expression of TLR7 in mice.