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Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC01840 GluN2D expression is regulated by restraint stress and supports active stress coping bouts.
Mice RBRC09452 Region of interest determination algorithm of lensless calcium imaging datasets.
Drosophila DGRC#114346 Ribogenesis boosts controlled by HEATR1-MYC interplay promote transition into brain tumour growth.
DNA material pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) Microglial ASD-related genes are involved in oligodendrocyte differentiation.
Zebrafish UAS:GCaMPHS Prenatal cocaine exposure disrupts the dopaminergic system and its postnatal responses to cocaine.
DNA material pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) Direct neuronal conversion of microglia/macrophages reinstates neurological function after stroke.
Mice RBRC06344 Development of Triphenylmethane Dyes for In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging of Aβ Oligomers.
Mice RBRC06240 Peripheral HMGB1 is linked to O3 pathology of disease-associated astrocytes and amyloid.
C.elegans tm2647 , tm1325 Dissecting the functional organization of the C. elegans serotonergic system at whole-brain scale.
Japanese macaques Reduced serotonergic transmission alters sensitivity to cost and reward via 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors in monkeys.
Mice RBRC04495 ANKS1A regulates LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1)-mediated cerebrovascular clearance in brain endothelial cells.
Drosophila DGRC#117012 Visualizing Monocarboxylates and Other Relevant Metabolites in the Ex Vivo Drosophila Larval Brain Using Genetically Encoded Sensors.
Human and Animal Cells KG-1-C(RCB0270) Epsin2, a novel target for multiple system atrophy therapy via α-synuclein/FABP7 propagation.
Human and Animal Cells PC-12(RCB0009) Maternal n-7 Unsaturated Fatty Acids Protect the Fetal Brain from Neuronal Degeneration in an Intrauterine Hyperglycemic Animal Model.
Human and Animal Cells MG6(RCB2403) Spatiotemporal expression patterns of ZBP1 in the brain of mouse experimental stroke model.
DNA material pCAGGS-BLRP-BirA (RDB15774) , pcDNA3.1-SphK2-V5-6His (RDB20442) , pCAGGS-BLRP-hRXRα-IRES-BirA (RDB20443) Nuclear SphK2/S1P signaling is a key regulator of ApoE production and Aβ uptake in astrocytes.
Human and Animal Cells OP9(RCB1124) Brain-derived endothelial cells are neuroprotective in a chronic cerebral hypoperfusion mouse model.
Human and Animal Cells T98G(RCB1954) Modular tissue-in-a-CUBE platform to model blood-brain barrier (BBB) and brain interaction.
Mice RBRC06344 Perinatal choline supplementation prevents learning and memory deficits and reduces brain amyloid Aβ42 deposition in AppNL-G-F Alzheimer's disease model mice.
Drosophila The Drosophila blood-brain barrier regulates sleep via Moody G protein-coupled receptor signaling.