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Species Resource Title
Drosophila Reduction of endocytosis and EGFR signaling is associated with the switch from isolated to clustered apoptosis during epithelial tissue remodeling in Drosophila.
Drosophila DGRC#106395 , DGRC#118527 Epidermal growth factor receptor signaling protects epithelia from morphogenetic instability and tissue damage in Drosophila.
Drosophila DGRC#109678 Programmed disassembly of a microtubule-based membrane protrusion network coordinates 3D epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila.
DNA material CSII-CMV-MCS-IRES2-Bsd (RDB04385) , pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , CS-RfA-EVBsd (RDB06090) , pENTR4-H1 (RDB04395) Arl4c is involved in tooth germ development through osteoblastic/ameloblastic differentiation.
Human and Animal Cells TE-1(RCB1894) , TE-10(RCB2099) Aberrant expression of EZH2 is associated with a poor outcome and P53 alteration in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.
C.elegans tmC25[unc-5(tmIs1241) Caenorhabditis elegans LET-413 Scribble is essential in the epidermis for growth, viability, and directional outgrowth of epithelial seam cells.
Human and Animal Cells HCE-T(RCB2280) Strengthening of the barrier function in human telomerase reverse transcription (hTERT) immortalized corneal and conjunctival epithelium by double-stranded RNA.
Drosophila DGRC#115082 , DGRC#104055 aPKC regulates apical constriction to prevent tissue rupture in the Drosophila follicular epithelium.
Drosophila 2534R-2 , 3299R-2 , 7540R-2 , DGRC#115111 , DGRC#115049 , DGRC#108068 , DGRC#107529 Attachment and detachment of cortical myosin regulates cell junction exchange during cell rearrangement in the Drosophila wing epithelium.
Drosophila DGRC#115552 Sidekick dynamically rebalances contractile and protrusive forces to control tissue morphogenesis.
Zebrafish Tg(sox17:EGFP)ha01 The second pharyngeal pouch is generated by dynamic remodeling of endodermal epithelium in zebrafish.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) Double-Stranded RNA Structural Elements Holding the Key to Translational Regulation in Cancer: The Case of Editing in RNA-Binding Motif Protein 8A.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) CD90+ mesothelial-like cells in peritoneal fluid promote peritoneal metastasis by forming a tumor permissive microenvironment.
Drosophila 5993R-2 , 1322R-1 , 1322R-2 , DGRC#109005 Interaction between Ras and Src clones causes interdependent tumor malignancy via Notch signaling in Drosophila.
Drosophila DGRC#104412 Constitutive immune activity promotes JNK- and FoxO-dependent remodeling of Drosophila airways.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) HEG1-responsive microRNA-23b regulates cell proliferation in malignant mesothelioma cells.
Drosophila DGRC#115298 Scribbled Optimizes BMP Signaling through Its Receptor Internalization to the Rab5 Endosome and Promote Robust Epithelial Morphogenesis.
Drosophila DGRC#104055 , DGRC#111536 , DGRC#115285 Shot and Patronin polarise microtubules to direct membrane traffic and biogenesis of microvilli in epithelia.
Drosophila DGRC#109822 Radially patterned cell behaviours during tube budding from an epithelium.
Drosophila DGRC#115524 , DGRC#115611 , DGRC#114660 An alternative mode of epithelial polarity in the Drosophila midgut.