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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Interferon Regulatory Factor-3 / genetics)
Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells MKN1(RCB1003) , MKN45(RCB1001) Targeting IRF3 as a YAP agonist therapy against gastric cancer.
Mice RBRC00858 Activation of Toll-Like Receptor 3 Induces Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Expression by Activating the Interferon Regulatory Factor 3.
Mice RBRC00858 IFN Regulatory Factor 3 Potentiates Emphysematous Aggravation by Lipopolysaccharide.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) Clustered basic amino acids of the small sendai virus C protein Y1 are critical to its RAN GTPase-mediated nuclear localization.
Mice RBRC01420 IRF7 inhibition prevents destructive innate immunity-A target for nonantibiotic therapy of bacterial infections.
Mice RBRC00858 , RBRC01420 Interferon regulatory transcription factor 3 protects mice from uterine horn pathology during Chlamydia muridarum genital infection.
Mice RBRC00858 Systemic lipopolysaccharide protects the brain from ischemic injury by reprogramming the response of the brain to stroke: a critical role for IRF3.
Mice RBRC00858 , RBRC01420 Critical role of the IFN-stimulated gene factor 3 complex in TLR-mediated IL-27p28 gene expression revealing a two-step activation process.
Mice RBRC00858 , RBRC01420 Interferon response factor 3 is essential for house dust mite-induced airway allergy.
Mice RBRC00858 Paramyxovirus Sendai virus V protein counteracts innate virus clearance through IRF-3 activation, but not via interferon, in mice.
Mice RBRC00858 IL-27 synthesis induced by TLR ligation critically depends on IFN regulatory factor 3.