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Species Resource Title
Zebrafish UAS:RFP Distinct cellular mechanisms of blood vessel fusion in the zebrafish embryo.
Mice RBRC10635 Enhancement of Haloperidol-Induced Catalepsy by GPR143, an L-Dopa Receptor, in Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons.
DNA material pKS-POM121A-Venus (RDB20246) , pKS-POM121NC-Venus (RDB20247) Two distinct human POM121 genes: requirement for the formation of nuclear pore complexes.
DNA material CS-CA-GFP (RDB05964) , pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) , pCMV-VSV-G (RDB04392) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) The Dual-Pseudotyped Lentiviral Vector with VSV-G and Sendai Virus HN Enhances Infection Efficiency through the Synergistic Effect of the Envelope Proteins.
DNA material pcDNA3-hARFRP1(WT)-HA (RDB20094) , pcDNA3-hARFRP1(Q79L)-HA (RDB20095) , pcDNA3-hARFRP1(T31N)-HA (RDB20096) Roles of ARFRP1 (ADP-ribosylation factor-related protein 1) in post-Golgi membrane trafficking.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) Hypoxia affects in vitro growth of newly established cell lines from patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Human and Animal Cells RGM1(RCB0876) Ubiquitin-proteasome inhibitor enhances tumour necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis in rat gastric epithelial cells.
Drosophila DGRC#109138 Predictive model for cytoneme guidance in Hedgehog signaling based on Ihog- Glypicans interaction.
Yeast FY16936, ARC039 (h-ura4-C190T leu1-32) Galactosylation of cell-surface glycoprotein required for hyphal growth and cell wall integrity in Schizosaccharomyces japonicus.
Human and Animal Cells 409B2(HPS0076) Tumor-associated macrophages derived from cancer stem cells.
Human and Animal Cells DU145(RCB2143) Understanding of cell death induced by the constituents of Taxus yunnanensis wood.
Human and Animal Cells MIA Paca2(RCB2094) , PANC-1(RCB2095) Molecular and Functional Analysis of Choline Transporters and Antitumor Effects of Choline Transporter-Like Protein 1 Inhibitors in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells.
Human and Animal Cells B16/BL6(RCB2638) Thromboxane A₂ receptor signaling facilitates tumor colonization through P-selectin-mediated interaction of tumor cells with platelets and endothelial cells.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) IL-6, LIF, and TNF-alpha regulation of GM-CSF inhibition of osteoclastogenesis in vitro.
DNA material , Human and Animal Cells THP-1(RCB1189) , RAJI(RCB1647) , BALL-1(RCB0256) Surface-expressed TLR6 participates in the recognition of diacylated lipopeptide and peptidoglycan in human cells.
DNA material pEF-Fc (RDB18974) Purification and characterization of the Fas-ligand that induces apoptosis.
Human and Animal Cells ATDC5(RCB0565) Cripto favors chondrocyte hypertrophy via TGF-β SMAD1/5 signaling during development of osteoarthritis.
General Microbes JCM5818 Strategies to display heterologous proteins on the cell surface of lactic acid bacteria using as anchor the C-terminal domain of Lactobacillus acidophilus SlpA.
Human and Animal Cells Colon-26(RCB2657) , B16F10(RCB2630) , LLC(RCB0558) Antitumor effect of Batf2 through IL-12 p40 up-regulation in tumor-associated macrophages.
Human and Animal Cells PC-9(RCB4455) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) EpCAM-independent capture of circulating tumor cells with a 'universal CTC-chip'.