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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Phosphoinositide-3 Kinase Inhibitors)
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DNA material pEGFP-C1-hUVRAG (RDB19632) , pMXs-puro-VPS34-GFP (RDB19633) , p3xFLAG-CMV10-hUVRAG (RDB19776) , pEGFP-C1-hAtg14 (RDB19785) , pMXs-IP-GFP-Atg14 (RDB19790) , pCI-neo-HA-hAtg14 (RDB19797) , pCI-neo-HA-hUVRAG (RDB19803) Beclin 1 forms two distinct phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complexes with mammalian Atg14 and UVRAG.
Human and Animal Cells L929 Rac is activated by tumor necrosis factor alpha and is involved in activation of Erk.
Human and Animal Cells A549 Increase in Anticancer Drug-Induced Toxicity by Fisetin in Lung Adenocarcinoma A549 Spheroid Cells Mediated by the Reduction of Claudin-2 Expression.
Human and Animal Cells LM8(RCB1450) Reduction of metastasis, cell invasion, and adhesion in mouse osteosarcoma by YM529/ONO-5920-induced blockade of the Ras/MEK/ERK and Ras/PI3K/Akt pathway.
Human and Animal Cells MDCK(RCB0995) Leader cells regulate collective cell migration via Rac activation in the downstream signaling of integrin β1 and PI3K.
Human and Animal Cells JHOM-1(RCB1676) , JHOM-2B(RCB1682) , OMC-3(RCB0755) Synergistic antitumor effects of combination PI3K/mTOR and MEK inhibition (SAR245409 and pimasertib) in mucinous ovarian carcinoma cells by fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging.
Human and Animal Cells ATDC5(RCB0565) Involvement of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B signaling pathway in insulin/IGF-I-induced chondrogenesis of the mouse embryonal carcinoma-derived cell line ATDC5.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Involvement of interleukin‑23 induced by Porphyromonas endodontalis lipopolysaccharide in osteoclastogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells A172(RCB2530) Crosstalk between the PI3K/mTOR and MEK/ERK pathways involved in the maintenance of self-renewal and tumorigenicity of glioblastoma stem-like cells.
Human and Animal Cells JHUEM-2(RCB1551) PI3K Inhibitors Synergize with FGFR Inhibitors to Enhance Antitumor Responses in FGFR2mutant Endometrial Cancers.
Human and Animal Cells HHUA(RCB0658) Lipocalin 2 Enhances Migration and Resistance against Cisplatin in Endometrial Carcinoma Cells.
Human and Animal Cells RERF-LC-AI(RCB0444) , IA-LM(RCB0554) , WA-hT(RCB2279) Claudin-18 inhibits cell proliferation and motility mediated by inhibition of phosphorylation of PDK1 and Akt in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells.
C.elegans tm1888 Insulin/IGF-1 signaling, including class II/III PI3Ks, β-arrestin and SGK-1, is required in C. elegans to maintain pharyngeal muscle performance during starvation.
Human and Animal Cells 409B2(HPS0076) Examination of a Viral Infection Mimetic Model in Human iPS Cell-Derived Insulin-Producing Cells and the Anti-Apoptotic Effect of GLP-1 Analogue.
Human and Animal Cells MG6(RCB2403) Acidic pH increases cGMP accumulation through the OGR1/phospholipase C/Ca(2+)/neuronal NOS pathway in N1E-115 neuronal cells.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) , CACO-2(RCB0988) Exhaustive exercise increases the TNF-α production in response to flagellin via the upregulation of toll-like receptor 5 in the large intestine in mice.
Human and Animal Cells JHUEM-3(RCB1552) PI3K pathway dependencies in endometrioid endometrial cancer cell lines.
Human and Animal Cells StromaNKtert(RCB2350) Decreased mitochondrial apoptotic priming underlies stroma-mediated treatment resistance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Human and Animal Cells IEC 6(RCB0993) Ginsenoside Rd prevents and rescues rat intestinal epithelial cells from irradiation-induced apoptosis.
Human and Animal Cells KU812(RCB0495) Role of thrombin in interleukin-5 expression from basophils.