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Species Resource Title
DNA material pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) Transcriptome-wide profiling for melanocytes derived from newborn and adult human epidermis with enhanced proliferation.
Mice RBRC06344 Single-cell multiregion dissection of Alzheimer's disease.
Tomato TOMJPE2753-1 , TOMJPF00001 , TOMJPF0017 Transcriptomic, Hormonomic and Metabolomic Analyses Highlighted the Common Modules Related to Photosynthesis, Sugar Metabolism and Cell Division in Parthenocarpic Tomato Fruits during Early Fruit Set
Tomato TOMJPF00001 Transcriptome dataset from Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom; wild type and two mutants of INDOLE-ACETIC-ACID (SlIAA9) using long-reads sequencing oxford nanopore technologies
Human and Animal Cells 409B2(HPS0076) Calibrated ribosome profiling assesses the dynamics of ribosomal flux on transcripts.
Wheat KT020-019 , KU-1797 Comparative transcriptome analysis of synthetic and common wheat in response to salt stress
C.elegans tm914 , tm1195 , tm894 , tm1019 , tm887 , tm1144 , tm2428 Transcriptomics of ivermectin response in Caenorhabditis elegans: Integrating abamectin quantitative trait loci and comparison to the Ivermectin-exposed DA1316 strain.
C.elegans tm4063 , tm840 Transcriptome profiling of the Caenorhabditis elegans intestine reveals that ELT-2 negatively and positively regulates intestinal gene expression within the context of a gene regulatory network.
C.elegans tm4977 Reprogramming of the transcriptome after heat stress mediates heat hormesis in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm463 CAJAL enables analysis and integration of single-cell morphological data using metric geometry.
Pathogenic bacteria Transcriptomic Profiles of Vibrio parahaemolyticus During Biofilm Formation.
Pathogenic bacteria V. parahaemolyticus ZrgA contributes to zinc acquisition in Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
Pathogenic bacteria V. parahaemolyticus Transcriptomics reveal the antibiofilm mechanism of NaCl combined with citral against Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
Pathogenic bacteria V. parahaemolyticus Transcriptomic Analysis of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Underlying the Wrinkly and Smooth Phenotypes.
Pathogenic bacteria V. parahaemolyticus Response mechanism of Vibrio parahaemolyticus at high pressure revealed by transcriptomic analysis.
Human and Animal Cells K562(RCB0027) , K-562(RCB1635) , K562(RCB1897) Variable characteristics overlooked in human K-562 leukemia cell lines with a common signature.
Drosophila D. suzukii (Kyorin, K-AWA036) Evolution of chemosensory tissues and cells across ecologically diverse Drosophilids
Human and Animal Cells 293(RCB1637) Effects of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) on gene expression profiles via nuclear receptors in HepaRG cells: Comparative study with in vitro transactivation assays.
Drosophila Whole transcriptome screening for novel genes involved in meiosis and fertility in Drosophila melanogaster.
Human and Animal Cells Ba/F3(RCB0805) The complexity of EGFR exon 19 deletion and L858R mutant cells as assessed by proteomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics.