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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Chrysanthemum AND Resource = NIFS-3)
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Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 Delayed flowering due to ‘cold memory’ is regulated by suppression of FLOWERING LOCUS T-like 3 gene in chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemum Gojo-0 , AEV02 , AKW12 , XMRS10 , NIFS-3 A chromosome-level genome sequence of Chrysanthemum seticuspe, a model species for hexaploid cultivated chrysanthemum.
Chrysanthemum Gojo-0 , AEV02 , AKW12 , XMRS10 , NIFS-3 A chromosome-level genome sequence of a model chrysanthemum: evolution and 1 reference for hexaploid cultivated chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 Delay of flowering by high temperature in chrysanthemum: heat-sensitive time-of-day and heat effects on CsFTL3 and CsAFT gene expression
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 Delay of Flowering at High Temperature in Chrysanthemum: Duration of Darkness and Transitions in Lighting Determine Daily Peak Heat Sensitivity
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 CsFTL3, a chrysanthemum FLOWERING LOCUS T-like gene, is a key regulator of photoperiodic flowering in chrysanthemums.
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 Flowering retardation by high temperature in chrysanthemums: involvement of FLOWERING LOCUS T-like 3 gene repression.
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 The gated induction system of a systemic floral inhibitor, antiflorigen, determines obligate short-day flowering in chrysanthemums.
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 CsTFL1, a constitutive local repressor of flowering, modulates floral initiation by antagonising florigen complex activity in chrysanthemum.
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 Photoperiod-insensitive floral transition in chrysanthemum induced by constitutive expression of chimeric repressor CsLHY-SRDX.
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 Chrysanthemum requires short-day repeats for anthesis: Gradual CsFTL3 induction through a feedback loop under short-day conditions.
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 Constitutive expression of CsGI alters critical night length for flowering by changing the photo-sensitive phase of anti-florigen induction in chrysanthemum.