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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Algae AND Resource = NIES-19)
Species Resource Title
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-23 , NIES-3284 Degradation of 2,4-dinitrophenol by a mixed culture of photoautotrophic microorganisms
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-23 , NIES-44 , NIES-226 , NIES-422 , NIES-437 , NIES-2169 , NIES-2220 , NIES-3284 Valorization of algal cells for biomass and bioenergy production from wastewater: Sustainable strategies, challenges, and techno-economic limitations
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-21 , NIES-22 , NIES-23 , NIES-25 , NIES-37 , NIES-50 , NIES-73 , NIES-267 , NIES-806 , ... Genome sequencing of the NIES Cyanobacteria collection with a focus on the heterocyst-forming clade.
Algae NIES-19 Studies on antialgal compounds of algicidal bacteria.
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-23 , NIES-44 , NIES-107 , NIES-843 Chapter 20 - Ecotoxicological Assessment of Antibiotics in Freshwater Using Cyanobacteria
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-33 , NIES-81 , NIES-814 , NIES-1648 , NIES-1879 First report of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB) in Dolichospermum and Oscillatoria from Vietnam
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-512 , NIES-824 Molecular Probes to Evaluate the Synthesis and Production Potential of an Odorous Compound (2-methylisoborneol) in Cyanobacteria.
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-31 , NIES-32 , NIES-33 , NIES-34 , NIES-36 , NIES-37 , NIES-38 , NIES-47 , NIES-49 , ... 17. Preservation methods of microalgae (I) [17. Bisaisôrui no hozonhô (I)].
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-37 Effects of antibiotics on the growth of microalgae.
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-37 , NIES-2093 , NIES-3277 Near-UV and blue light effects in cyanobacteria.
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-2093 , NIES-3277 Regulation of photosynthetic carbon metabolism in microalgae by wavelength of incident light and by CO2 concentration.
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-46 , NIES-39 CO2 fixation and SCP production using blue green algae.
Algae NIES-18 , NIES-19 , NIES-24 , NIES-29 , NIES-31 , NIES-44 , NIES-46 , NIES-74 , NIES-76 , NIES-77 , ... Cryopreservation of microalgae in liquid nitrogen - Survival of algal cultures after freezing.
Algae NIES-266 , NIES-267 , NIES-268 , NIES-527 , NIES-94 , NIES-95 , NIES-97 , NIES-419 , NIES-119 , NIES-120 , ... Cryopreservation of cyanobacteria and green algae in the NIES-Collection.
Algae NIES-47 , NIES-49 , NIES-24 , NIES-29 , NIES-37 , NIES-19 , NIES-22 , NIES-227 , NIES-226 , NIES-23 , ... List of algal strains in collection at the Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo.
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-36 , NIES-46 , NIES-3277 , NIES-39 , NIES-23 , NIES-2119 , NIES-21 Screening for cyanobacteria that evolve molecular hydrogen under dark and anaerobic conditions.
Algae NIES-2093 , NIES-19 , NIES-2094 In-vitro antitumour evaluation of extracts from cyanobacteria Anabaena.
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-37 , NIES-23 Isolation and characterization of two cyanobacteria-lytic bacterial strains from the submerged paddy soil.
Algae NIES-44 , NIES-23 , NIES-19 , NIES-422 Accelerating of pink pigment excretion from cyanobacterium Oscillatoria by Co-Cultivation with Anabaena.
Algae NIES-19 , NIES-22 , NIES-24 , NIES-27 , NIES-32 , NIES-242 , NIES-375 , NIES-396 , NIES-422 , NIES-437 , ... Cryopreservation of microalgae using encapsulation-dehydration.