RRC ID 46121
Author Hu Z, Pym EC, Babu K, Vashlishan Murray AB, Kaplan JM.
Title A neuropeptide-mediated stretch response links muscle contraction to changes in neurotransmitter release.
Journal Neuron
Abstract Although Caenorhabditis elegans has been utilized extensively to study synapse formation and function, relatively little is known about synaptic plasticity in C. elegans. We show that a brief treatment with the cholinesterase inhibitor aldicarb induces a form of presynaptic potentiation whereby ACh release at neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) is doubled. Aldicarb-induced potentiation was eliminated by mutations that block processing of proneuropeptides, by mutations inactivating a single proneuropeptide (NLP-12), and by those inactivating an NLP-12 receptor (CKR-2). NLP-12 expression is limited to a single stretch-activated neuron, DVA. Analysis of a YFP-tagged NLP-12 suggests that aldicarb stimulates DVA secretion of NLP-12. Mutations disrupting the DVA mechanoreceptor (TRP-4) decreased aldicarb-induced NLP-12 secretion and blocked aldicarb-induced synaptic potentiation. Mutants lacking NLP-12 or CKR-2 have decreased locomotion rates. Collectively, these results suggest that NLP-12 mediates a mechanosensory feedback loop that couples muscle contraction to changes in presynaptic release, thereby providing a mechanism for proprioceptive control of locomotion.
Volume 71(1)
Pages 92-102
Published 2011-7-14
DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.04.021
PII S0896-6273(11)00377-1
PMID 21745640
PMC PMC3134788
MeSH Acetylcholine / metabolism Aldicarb / pharmacology Animals Caenorhabditis elegans Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins / genetics Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins / metabolism* Cholinesterase Inhibitors / pharmacology Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials / genetics Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials / physiology Locomotion / physiology Mechanoreceptors / metabolism* Mechanoreceptors / physiology Muscle Contraction / physiology* Mutation Neuronal Plasticity / genetics Neuronal Plasticity / physiology* Neuropeptides / genetics Neuropeptides / metabolism* Proprotein Convertase 2 / genetics Receptors, CCR2 / genetics Synaptic Transmission / drug effects Synaptic Transmission / genetics Synaptic Transmission / physiology* TRPC Cation Channels / genetics
IF 14.415
Times Cited 43
C.elegans tm3082