Abstract |
Electrical synapses are specialized structures that mediate the flow of electrical currents between neurons and have well known roles in synchronizing the activities of neuronal populations, both by mediating the current transfer from more active to less active neurons and by shunting currents from active neurons to their less active neighbors. However, how these positive and negative functions of electrical synapses are coordinated to shape rhythmic synaptic outputs and behavior is not well understood. Here, using a combination of genetics, behavioral analysis, and live calcium imaging in Caenorhabditis elegans, we show that electrical synapses formed by the gap junction protein INX-1/innexin couple the presynaptic terminals of a pair of motor neurons (AVL and DVB) to synchronize their activation in response to a pacemaker signal. Live calcium imaging reveals that inx-1/innexin mutations lead to asynchronous activation of AVL and DVB, due, in part, to loss of AVL-mediated activation of DVB by the pacemaker. In addition, loss of inx-1 leads to the ectopic activation of DVB at inappropriate times during the cycle through the activation of the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel EGL-19. We propose that electrical synapses between AVL and DVB presynaptic terminals function to ensure the precise and robust execution of a specific step in a rhythmic behavior by both synchronizing the activities of presynaptic terminals in response to pacemaker signaling and by inhibiting their activation in between cycles when pacemaker signaling is low.