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Species Resource Title
Zebrafish gSA2AzGFF49A, UAS:GCaMP7a, SAGFF213A, UAS:GCaMPHS Two-photon imaging of neural population activity in zebrafish.
Zebrafish hspGFF62A In Vivo Ca(2+) Imaging Reveals that Decreased Dendritic Excitability Drives Startle Habituation.
Zebrafish SAGFF(LF)134A, UAS: GFP Ca2+-imaging and photo-manipulation of the simple gut of zebrafish larvae in vivo.
Mice RBRC00806 TMBIM6 (transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6) enhances autophagy through regulation of lysosomal calcium.
Mice RBRC00806 Calcium sequestration by fungal melanin inhibits calcium-calmodulin signalling to prevent LC3-associated phagocytosis.
Zebrafish SAIGFF213A , UAS:GCaMP7a , UAS:GFP TPC2-mediated Ca2+ signaling is required for the establishment of synchronized activity in developing zebrafish primary motor neurons.
Human and Animal Cells L929(RCB1451) Stable cavitation induces increased cytoplasmic calcium in L929 fibroblasts exposed to 1-MHz pulsed ultrasound.
Human and Animal Cells PC12-F7(RCB2800) Synaptotagmin oligomerization is essential for calcium control of regulated exocytosis.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME10069 Physiological role of the chaA gene in sodium and calcium circulations at a high pH in Escherichia coli.
Mice RBRC05450 , RBRC09550 Region-Specific and State-Dependent Astrocyte Ca2+ Dynamics during the Sleep-Wake Cycle in Mice.
Human and Animal Cells PC-12(RCB0009) Ca(2+) influx through P2X receptors induces actin cytoskeleton reorganization by the formation of cofilin rods in neurites.
C.elegans tm6026 Increased mitochondrial calcium uptake and concomitant mitochondrial activity by presenilin loss promotes mTORC1 signaling to drive neurodegeneration.
C.elegans tm320 , tm3268 , tm1305 , tm2044 , tm6556 The transcription factor unc-130/FOXD3/4 contributes to the biphasic calcium response required to optimize avoidance behavior.
C.elegans tm3524 , tm4085 Presynaptic coupling by electrical synapses coordinates a rhythmic behavior by synchronizing the activities of a neuron pair.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) Hypotonic stimulation induced Ca2+ release from IP3-sensitive internal stores in a green monkey kidney cell line.
DNA material pCL41 (RDB19837) Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA for the Ca(2+)-activated photoprotein, clytin.
Human and Animal Cells PC-12(RCB0009) Extracellular H+ stimulates the expression of c-fos/c-jun mRNA through Ca2+/calmodulin in PC12 cells.
Human and Animal Cells Jurkat(RCB0806) The effect of calcium on Fas-mediated apoptosis and secondary necrosis of Jurkat cells.
Human and Animal Cells DT40(RCB1464) , IP3R^(-) DT40(RCB1467) ER-luminal [Ca2+] regulation of InsP3 receptor gating mediated by an ER-luminal peripheral Ca2+-binding protein
Human and Animal Cells 293(RCB1637) Involvement of TRPM2 and L-type Ca²⁺ channels in Ca²⁺ entry and cell death induced by hydrogen peroxide in rat β-cell line RIN-5F.