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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins / metabolism)
Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm4439 , tm776 Fused in sarcoma regulates glutamate signaling and oxidative stress response.
C.elegans tm5013 The permanently chaperone-active small heat shock protein Hsp17 from Caenorhabditis elegans exhibits topological separation of its N-terminal regions.
C.elegans tm3239 , tm3506 , tm1811 , tm355 , tm8953 Head-tail-head neural wiring underlies gut fat storage in Caenorhabditis elegans temperature acclimation.
C.elegans tm3118 , tm3735 , tm2828 , tm2966 , tm3121 , tm3197 , tm1200 Coordinated maintenance of H3K36/K27 methylation by histone demethylases preserves germ cell identity and immortality.
C.elegans tm331 , tm4221 Dietary S. maltophilia induces supersized lipid droplets by enhancing lipogenesis and ER-LD contacts in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm2417 Molecular basis for PICS-mediated piRNA biogenesis and cell division.
C.elegans tm3425 Saturated very long chain fatty acid configures glycosphingolipid for lysosome homeostasis in long-lived C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1011 , tm420 , tm331 , tm1726 Histone H3K4me3 modification is a transgenerational epigenetic signal for lipid metabolism in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm1021 , tm4344 Screening by deep sequencing reveals mediators of microRNA tailing in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1524 , tm3298 Caenorhabditis elegans RMI2 functional homolog-2 (RMIF-2) and RMI1 (RMH-1) have both overlapping and distinct meiotic functions within the BTR complex.
C.elegans tm1108 Identification of Novel Therapeutic Targets for Polyglutamine Diseases That Target Mitochondrial Fragmentation.
C.elegans tm4259 , tm1163 , tm1200 , tm1155 , tm1163 Transgenerational inheritance of sexual attractiveness via small RNAs enhances evolvability in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1779 Mitochondria-affecting small molecules ameliorate proteostasis defects associated with neurodegenerative diseases.
C.elegans tm1595 , tm5356 , tm847 , tm2423 , tm2404 , tm3643 , tm1320 SNX-3 mediates retromer-independent tubular endosomal recycling by opposing EEA-1-facilitated trafficking.
C.elegans tm6360 C. elegans TFIIH subunit GTF-2H5/TTDA is a non-essential transcription factor indispensable for DNA repair.
C.elegans tm390 , tm14710 , tm3568 , FX30203 INPP5K and Atlastin-1 maintain the nonuniform distribution of ER-plasma membrane contacts in neurons.
C.elegans tm1715 , tm1145 , tm1298 Proline-specific aminopeptidase P prevents replication-associated genome instability.
C.elegans tm8336 Ectocytosis prevents accumulation of ciliary cargo in C. elegans sensory neurons.
C.elegans tm4536 The exocyst complex regulates C. elegans germline stem cell proliferation by controlling membrane Notch levels.
C.elegans tm2143 Wnt signaling establishes the microtubule polarity in neurons through regulation of Kinesin-13.