RRC ID 81091
Author Rio Nakayama, Mohammad Taheb Safi, Waisuddin Ahmadzai, Kazuhiro Sato, Kanako Kawaura
Title Comparative transcriptome analysis of synthetic and common wheat in response to salt stress
Journal Scientific Reports
Abstract Salt stress reduces wheat yield. Therefore, improvement for enhanced salt stress tolerance is necessary for stable production. To understand the molecular mechanism of salt tolerance in common wheat and synthetic hexaploid (SH) wheat, RNA sequencing was performed on the roots of three wheat lines salt-tolerant SH wheat, salt-tolerant common wheat, and salt-sensitive common wheat. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in response to salt stress were characterized using gene ontology enrichment analysis. Salt tolerance in common wheat has been suggested to be mainly regulated by the activation of transporters. In contrast, salt tolerance in SH wheat is enhanced through up-regulation of the reactive oxygen species signaling pathway, other unknown pathways, and different ERF transcription factors. These results indicate that salt tolerance is differentially controlled between common wheat and SH wheat. Furthermore, QTL analysis was performed using the F2 population derived from SH and salt-sensitive wheat. No statistically significant QTL was detected, suggesting that numerous QTLs with negligible contributions are involved in salt tolerance in SH wheat. We also identified DEGs specific to each line near one probable QTL. These findings show that SH wheat possesses salt tolerance mechanisms lacking in common wheat and may be potential breeding material for salt tolerance.
Volume 12
Published 2022-7-7
DOI 10.1038/s41598-022-15733-2
PMID 35798819
PMC PMC9262916
MeSH Gene Expression Profiling Gene Expression Regulation, Plant Plant Breeding* Salt Stress / genetics Salt Tolerance / genetics Transcriptome Triticum* / genetics
Wheat KT020-019 KU-1797