RRC ID 82154
Author Kanadome T, Hoshino N, Nagai T, Yagi T, Matsuda T.
Title Protocol to visualize trans-interaction of clustered protocadherin using cIPAD, a fluorescent indicator, in cultured human cells and mouse neurons.
Journal STAR Protoc
Abstract cIPAD is a fluorescent indicator that allows the visualization of trans-interactions of clustered protocadherin (Pcdh), a cell adhesion molecule that mediates neuronal self-recognition. We describe steps for using HEK293T cells to visualize Pcdh trans-interactions across cells as a preliminary experiment before using dissociated mouse neurons. We then detail procedures for visualizing Pcdh trans-interactions between processes originating from the same neurons, which are considered as Pcdh-mediated neuronal self-recognition. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Kanadome et al.1.
Volume 5(1)
Pages 102844
Published 2024-3-15
DOI 10.1016/j.xpro.2024.102844
PII S2666-1667(24)00009-1
PMID 38277267
PMC PMC10840325
MeSH Animals Cadherins* / genetics Cadherins* / metabolism Cell Adhesion HEK293 Cells Humans Mice Neurons / metabolism Protocadherins*
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202)