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Species Resource Title
Yeast A systematic screen identifies Saf5 as a link between splicing and transcription in fission yeast.
DNA material , Human and Animal Cells mTmc1ex1 pcDNA3.1(+) (RDB20272) , 293T(RCB2202) A Mechanosensitive Channel, Mouse Transmembrane Channel-Like Protein 1 (Mtmc1) Is Translated from a Splice Variant mTmc1ex1 but Not from the Other Variant mTmc1ex2.
C.elegans tm1563 , tm1582 , tm548 , tm2806 The Muscleblind-like protein MBL-1 regulates microRNA expression in Caenorhabditis elegans through an evolutionarily conserved autoregulatory mechanism.
Zebrafish pT2ZUASRFP HeterozygousKIDINS220/ARMSnonsense variants cause spastic paraplegia, intellectual disability, nystagmus, and obesity
Mice RBRCGD000108 , RBRCGD000110 Mice with endogenous TDP-43 mutations exhibit gain of splicing function and characteristics of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Identification and analysis of function of a novel splicing variant of mouse receptor activator of NF-κB.
DNA material pEF-T7-mouse Atg16L2b (RDB15377). Atg16L2, a novel isoform of mammalian Atg16L that is not essential for canonical autophagy despite forming an Atg12–5-16L2 complex.
Human and Animal Cells S2 (Drosophila)(RCB1153) Cloning and characterization of three PHEX homologues in Drosophila.
Human and Animal Cells NHSF46(RCB0162) , GM2-1TKB(RCB0697) Compound heterozygosity with two novel mutations in the HEXB gene produces adult Sandhoff disease presenting as a motor neuron disease phenotype.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) Regulation of CD44E by DARPP-32-dependent activation of SRp20 splicing factor in gastric tumorigenesis.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes psh16750 Modulation of Ambient Temperature-Dependent Flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana by Natural Variation of FLOWERING LOCUS M.
Silkworms A single female-specific piRNA is the primary determiner of sex in the silkworm.
Barley Full length cDNA , Haruna Nijo A physical, genetic and functional sequence assembly of the barley genome.
Human and Animal Cells SCCKN(RCB0441) Mutational analysis of HRAS and KRAS genes in oral carcinoma cell lines.
Human and Animal Cells ATDC5(RCB0565) Cloning and characterization of the osteoarthritis-associated gene DVWA.
C.elegans tm4074 Mutations in mitochondrial histidyl tRNA synthetase HARS2 cause ovarian dysgenesis and sensorineural hearing loss of Perrault syndrome.
Human and Animal Cells Jyg-MC(B)(RCB0527) Diversity of Ca2+-activated K+ channel transcripts in inner ear hair cells.
Mice RBRC01099 Airway epithelial inflammation-induced endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ store expansion is mediated by X-box binding protein-1.
DNA material pSV2 proto-ret (RDB01163) , human ELKS beta (RDB18199) , human ELKS gamma (RDB18200) , human ELKS delta (RDB18201) , human ELKS epsilon (RDB18202) Differential expression of multiple isoforms of the ELKS mRNAs involved in a papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Rice Local Varieties-Wild Strains Identification of SNPs in the waxy gene among glutinous rice cultivars and their evolutionary significance during the domestication process of rice.