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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells THP-1(RCB1189) Secreted ectodomain of sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin-9 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 promote recovery after rat spinal cord injury by altering macrophage polarity.
Human and Animal Cells PC-12(RCB0009) Prenatal low-dose methylmercury exposure impairs neurite outgrowth and synaptic protein expression and suppresses TrkA pathway activity and eEF1A1 expression in the rat cerebellum.
Zebrafish Tg(atoh1a:GFP) , Tg(atoh1a:dTomato) Multiple zebrafish atoh1 genes specify a diversity of neuronal types in the zebrafish cerebellum.
Zebrafish Tg(CM-isl1:GFP) Altered RNA metabolism due to a homozygous RBM7 mutation in a patient with spinal motor neuropathy.
DNA material Venus/pCS2 (RDB15116) , pNPY-Venus-N1 (RDB15118) , NPY-Venus/pEF-BOS (RDB15119) , YC2.12/pCS2 (RDB15132) , mVenus/pRSETB (RDB15117). A variant of yellow fluorescent protein with fast and efficient maturation for cell-biological applications.
Medaka ro (MT92) , contactin1b^E3+35 (MT1169) , contactin1b^E6-22 (MT1170) , contactin1b^E6-4 (MT1171) , Nagoya (WS3) , HNI-I (IB177) , Kaga (IB833) Medaka and zebrafish contactin1 mutants as a model for understanding neural circuits for motor coordination.
DNA material pmGR1 (alpha) (RDB13194) Sequence and expression of a metabotropic glutamate receptor.
C.elegans tm925 , tm3083 TMEM107 recruits ciliopathy proteins to subdomains of the ciliary transition zone and causes Joubert syndrome.
Human and Animal Cells KG-1-C(RCB270) , Y79(RCB0427) , SK-N-SH(RCB0426) Constitutive and cytokine-inducible expression of prion protein gene in human neural cell lines.
DNA material S-SCAM (p3205-54) (RDB03435) Three isoforms of synaptic scaffolding molecule and their characterization. Multimerization between the isoforms and their interaction with N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and SAP90/PSD-95-associated protein.
Mice RBRC01105 SEMA3A signaling controls layer-specific interneuron branching in the cerebellum.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) , HeLa(RCB0007) 80K-H interacts with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors and regulates IP3-induced calcium release activity.
Mice RBRC00388 Motor coordination impairment in aged heterozygous rolling Nagoya, Cav2.1 mutant mice.
GAIN Neurons show distinctive DNA methylation profile and higher interindividual variations compared with non-neurons.
Zebrafish rw0 (Tg(CM-isl1:GFP)) Polysialyltransferase expression is linked to neuronal migration in the developing and adult zebrafish.
Zebrafish rw0110b (Tg (brn3a-hsp70:GFP )) , Tg(vglut2a:EGFP) Anatomy of zebrafish cerebellum and screen for mutations affecting its development.
Rats F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo(strainID=153) Rat neurological mutations cerebellar vermis defect and hobble are caused by mutations in the netrin-1 receptor gene Unc5h3.