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Species Resource Title
Chrysanthemum Gojo-0 , AEV02 , AKW12 , XMRS10 , NIFS-3 A chromosome-level genome sequence of Chrysanthemum seticuspe, a model species for hexaploid cultivated chrysanthemum.
Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum wakasaense , Chrysanthemum japonense Simultaneous TALEN-mediated knockout of chrysanthemum DMC1 genes confers male and female sterility.
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 Flowering retardation by high temperature in chrysanthemums: involvement of FLOWERING LOCUS T-like 3 gene repression.
Chrysanthemum NIFS-3 CsTFL1, a constitutive local repressor of flowering, modulates floral initiation by antagonising florigen complex activity in chrysanthemum.
Chrysanthemum Gojo-0 , AKW10 , AKV11 , ALQ01 , AEV02 , AEV12 , AEV13 , AGJ02 , AHP01 , AIR01 , ... A pure line derived from a self-compatible Chrysanthemum seticuspe mutant as a model strain in the genus Chrysanthemum.
Chrysanthemum XMRS10 De novo whole-genome assembly in Chrysanthemum seticuspe, a model species of Chrysanthemums, and its application to genetic and gene discovery analysis.
Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum horaimontanum , Artemisia manshurica , Nipponanthemum nipponicum Physical mapping of 5S and 45S rDNA in Chrysanthemum and related genera of the Anthemideae by FISH, and species relationships.