RRC ID 57025
Author Nakano M, Taniguchi K, Masuda Y, Kozuka T, Aruga Y, Han J, Motohara K, Nakata M, Sumitomo K, Hisamatsu T, Nakano Y, Yagi M, Hirakawa H, Isobe SN, Shirasawa K, Nagashima Y, Na H, Chen L, Liang G, Chen R, Kusaba M.
Title A pure line derived from a self-compatible Chrysanthemum seticuspe mutant as a model strain in the genus Chrysanthemum.
Journal Plant Sci
Abstract Asteraceae is the largest family of angiosperms, comprising approximately 24,000 species. Molecular genetic studies of Asteraceae are essential for understanding plant diversity. Chrysanthemum morifolium is the most industrially important ornamental species in Asteraceae. Most cultivars of C. morifolium are autohexaploid and self-incompatible. These properties are major obstacles to the genetic analysis and modern breeding of C. morifolium. Furthermore, high genome heterogeneity complicates molecular biological analyses. In this study, we developed a model strain in the genus Chrysanthemum. C. seticuspe is a diploid species with a similar flowering property and morphology to C. morifolium and can be subjected to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. We isolated a natural self-compatible mutant of C. seticuspe and established a pure line through repeated selfing and selection. The resultant strain, named Gojo-0, was favorable for genetic analyses, including isolation of natural and induced mutants, and facilitated molecular biological analysis, including whole genome sequencing, owing to the simplicity and homogeneity of its genome. Interspecific hybridization with Chrysanthemum species was possible, enabling molecular genetic analysis of natural interspecific variations. The accumulation of research results and resources using Gojo-0 as a platform is expected to promote molecular genetic studies on the genus Chrysanthemum and the genetic improvement of chrysanthemum cultivars.
Volume 287
Pages 110174
Published 2019-6-28
DOI 10.1016/j.plantsci.2019.110174
PII S0168-9452(19)30621-1
PMID 31481216
MeSH Chrysanthemum / genetics* Chrysanthemum / ultrastructure DNA, Plant / genetics Diploidy Flowers / ultrastructure Hybridization, Genetic Microscopy, Electron, Scanning Models, Biological Mutation Phylogeny Plant Breeding / methods Pollination Self-Fertilization
IF 3.591
Times Cited 0
Chrysanthemum Gojo-0 AKW10 AKV11 ALQ01 AEV02 AEV12 AEV13 AGJ02 AHP01 AIR01 NMb32 WAB28 ZAW07 ZFK03 YEM06 ZGD01 ZFY05 ZFZ21 ZFS01 ZFO02 ZFO12 ZFT02 ZFW29 ZFV17 ZFU02 TCT01 AHW02 AHW05 AHW09 AHW10 AHM01 AHN01 LL01 JX02 ABP14 ABP23 ABP32 AHK10 AAS22 OK03 YQB01 YNY01 ADN01 TC02 TQM1 ZDY32 ZDY42 YNW01 WA47 VW01 EK01 XTJ21 X4CD XMZJ XMZV X3RU12