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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells HCE-T(RCB2280) The oxidant role of 4-hydroxynonenal in corneal epithelium.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Tamoxifen agonism and estrogen antagonism of c-fos gene promoter activity through non-consensus-responsive elements in MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts.
Algae Accumulation, assimilation and growth inhibition of copper on freshwater alga (Scenedesmus subspicatus 86.81 SAG) in the presence of EDTA and fulvic acid.
Human and Animal Cells CACO-2(RCB0988) Inhibition of P-glycoprotein-mediated transport by terpenoids contained in herbal medicines and natural products.
Human and Animal Cells A new bisphosphonate, YM529 induces apoptosis in HL60 cells by decreasing phosphorylation of single survival signal ERK.
Human and Animal Cells PC-12(RCB0009) Crocin suppresses tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced cell death of neuronally differentiated PC-12 cells.
Mice RBRC00806 Autophagy upregulation promotes survival and attenuates doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity.
Mice RBRC01351 Chronic treatment with LY341495 decreases 5-HT(2A) receptor binding and hallucinogenic effects of LSD in mice.
Tomato , Medaka STII Protective response of the Ah receptor to ANIT-induced biliary epithelial cell toxicity in see-through medaka.
General Microbes JCM 2504 , JCM 5804 , JCM 5803 , JCM 1157 , JCM 5707 , JCM 2152 , JCM 2504 , JCM 2257 , JCM 1465 Enterocin X, a novel two-peptide bacteriocin from Enterococcus faecium KU-B5, has an antibacterial spectrum entirely different from those of its component peptides.