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Species Resource Title
Tomato Pennelliiside D, a New Acyl Glucose from Solanum pennellii and Chemical Synthesis of Pennelliisides
General Microbes JCM 34554 Description and genomic characterization of Nocardioides bruguierae sp. nov., isolated from Bruguiera gymnorhiza.
General Microbes JCM 39087 Description of a moderately acidotolerant and aerotolerant anaerobic bacterium Acidilutibacter cellobiosedens gen. nov., sp. nov. within the family Acidilutibacteraceae fam. nov., and proposal of Sporanaerobacteraceae fam. nov. and Tepidimicrobiaceae fam. nov.
General Microbes JCM 34882 , JCM 33221 Description of Ornithinimicrobium cryptoxanthini sp. nov., a Novel Actinomycete Producing β-cryptoxanthin Isolated from the Tongtian River Sediments.
General Microbes JCM 33142 Protaetiibacter mangrovi sp. nov., isolated from mangrove soil.
General Microbes JCM 34709 Nocardiopsis changdeensis sp. nov., an endophytic actinomycete isolated from the roots of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.
General Microbes JCM 17212 Microbulbifer zhoushanensis sp. nov., Microbulbifer sediminum sp. nov. and Microbulbifer guangxiensis sp. nov., three marine bacteria isolated from a tidal flat.
General Microbes JCM 39049 , JCM 39048 Methanocaldococcus lauensis sp. nov., a novel deep-sea hydrothermal vent hyperthermophilic methanogen.
General Microbes JCM 34870 Flavihumibacter fluminis sp. nov., a novel thermotolerant bacterium isolated from river silt.
General Microbes JCM 35690 Pseudomonas cucumis sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere of crop plants.
General Microbes JCM 34747 Streptomyces koelreuteriae sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere soil of Koelreuteria paniculata and healthy leaves of Xanthium sibiricum.
General Microbes JCM 35821 , JCM 35822 Arthrobacter zhaoxinii sp. nov. and Arthrobacter jinronghuae sp. nov., isolated from Marmota himalayana.
General Microbes JCM 15760 Characterization of Haloarcula terrestris sp. nov. and reclassification of a Haloarcula species based on a taxogenomic approach.
General Microbes JCM 34828 , JCM 34829 , JCM 34830 , JCM 1344 , JCM 1345 Curtobacterium caseinilyticum sp. nov., Curtobacterium subtropicum sp. nov. and Curtobacterium citri sp. nov., isolated from citrus phyllosphere.
General Microbes JCM 30241 , JCM 30841 Salinigranum marinum sp. nov. and Halohasta salina sp. nov., halophilic archaea isolated from sediment of a marine saltern and inland saline soil.
General Microbes JCM 35838 , JCM 33903 Jiella pelagia sp. nov., isolated from the phosphonate-amended seawater of the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
General Microbes JCM 35774 , JCM 35775 , JCM 35776 , JCM 13594 , JCM 14815 , JCM 19667 , JCM 33040 Nocardioides cremeus sp. nov., Nocardioides abyssi sp. nov. and Nocardioides oceani sp. nov., three actinobacteria isolated from Western Pacific Ocean sediment.
General Microbes JCM 39185 Hydrogenimonas cancrithermarum sp. nov., a hydrogen- and thiosulfate-oxidizing mesophilic chemolithoautotroph isolated from diffuse-flow fluids on the East Pacific Rise, and an emended description of the genus Hydrogenimonas.
General Microbes JCM 35852 Hoeflea poritis sp. nov., isolated from a bleached scleractinian coral Porites lutea.
General Microbes JCM 35755 Bacillus changyiensis sp. nov., isolated from coastal sediment.