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Species Resource Title
General Microbes JCM 7501 Thermostable CITase from Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriae shows negative cooperativity.
General Microbes JCM1194 , JCM1195 , JCM1217 Comparative study on four amylosucrases from Bifidobacterium species.
DNA material Genomic DNA of Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriaeJCM 7501 T (JGD12533) Thermostable CITase from Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriae shows negative cooperativity.
General Microbes JCM 9153 Characterization of divergent pseudo-sucrose isomerase from Azotobacter vinelandii: Deciphering the absence of sucrose isomerase activity.
Lotus / Glycine GMFL02-51-N04 Identification and functional analysis of 2-hydroxyflavanone C-glucosyltransferase in soybean (Glycine max).
Cellular slime molds G24062 Cloning and functional expression of UGT genes encoding sterol glucosyltransferases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans, Pichia pastoris, and Dictyostelium discoideum.
C.elegans tm1027 , tm1097 , tm1192 , tm504 Expression of ceramide glucosyltransferases, which are essential for glycosphingolipid synthesis, is only required in a small subset of C. elegans cells.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda04773 A gene from the cellulose synthase-like C family encodes a beta-1,4 glucan synthase.
Morning Glory AK1 , AK34 , AK35 , AK36 , AK53 , AK55 , AK66 Japanese morning glory dusky mutants displaying reddish-brown or purplish-gray flowers are deficient in a novel glycosylation enzyme for anthocyanin biosynthesis, UDP-glucose:anthocyanidin 3-O-glucoside-2''-O-glucosyltransferase, due to 4-bp insertions in the gene.