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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Golgi Apparatus / ultrastructure)
Species Resource Title
DNA material pcDNA3-hARFRP1(WT)-HA (RDB20094) , pcDNA3-hARFRP1(Q79L)-HA (RDB20095) , pcDNA3-hARFRP1(T31N)-HA (RDB20096) Roles of ARFRP1 (ADP-ribosylation factor-related protein 1) in post-Golgi membrane trafficking.
DNA material pcDNA3-HA-GBF1 (RDB20111) , pcDNA3-HA-GBF1(E794K) (RDB20112) , pcDNA4-Xpress-GBF1 (RDB20113) , pcDNA4-Xpress-GBF1(E794K) (RDB20114) GBF1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for ADP-ribosylation factors, is localized to the cis-Golgi and involved in membrane association of the COPI coat.
Human and Animal Cells Y1(RCB0533) Role of KIFC3 motor protein in Golgi positioning and integration.
Human and Animal Cells LY-B(RCB1698) Toxoplasma gondii salvages sphingolipids from the host Golgi through the rerouting of selected Rab vesicles to the parasitophorous vacuole.
Human and Animal Cells Atg5^(+/+)MEF(RCB2710) , Atg5^(-/-)MEF(RCB2711) A ZDHHC5-GOLGA7 Protein Acyltransferase Complex Promotes Nonapoptotic Cell Death.
C.elegans tm3659 , tm6600 The lysosomal membrane protein SCAV-3 maintains lysosome integrity and adult longevity.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB3680) A regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A, PPP2R5E, regulates the abundance of microtubule crosslinking factor 1.
Pathogenic microorganisms NA Ultrastructural disorder of the secretory pathway in temperature-sensitive actin mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Pathogenic microorganisms NA Structome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae determined by freeze-substitution and serial ultrathin-sectioning electron microscopy.
C.elegans tm3622 Two Rab2 interactors regulate dense-core vesicle maturation.
Human and Animal Cells NRK(RCB0043) Implication of sphingolipid metabolism in the stability of the Golgi apparatus.
Human and Animal Cells NRK(RCB0043) Possible involvement of heterotrimeric G proteins in the organization of the Golgi apparatus.
DNA material pSHY13-2 (RDB08867) , pSHY15-1 (RDB08869) , pSHY14-5 (RDB08868) Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport induces relocalization of binding protein (BiP) within the ER to form the BiP bodies.
DNA material pYO324/RER1-3HA (RDB085969 , pYO324/RER1-3HA Y152L (RDB08597) , pSK/rer1::LEU2 (RDB08649) , pRS314/RERI-3HA (RDB08654) Membrane protein retrieval from the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER): characterization of the RER1 gene product as a component involved in ER localization of Sec12p.
Yeast HM123 Genetic evidence for phospholipid-mediated regulation of the Rab GDP-dissociation inhibitor in fission yeast.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) p125 is localized in endoplasmic reticulum exit sites and involved in their organization.