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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Hippo Signaling Pathway)
Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC02344 Differential Expression of NF2 in Neuroepithelial Compartments Is Necessary for Mammalian Eye Development.
Drosophila DGRC#115288 The Drosophila tumour suppressor Lgl and Vap33 activate the Hippo pathway through a dual mechanism.
Human and Animal Cells KGN(RCB1154) Mitoguardin 1 and 2 promote granulosa cell proliferation by activating AKT and regulating the Hippo-YAP1 signaling pathway.
Human and Animal Cells SH-10-TC(RCB1940) Selective Inhibition of STRN3-Containing PP2A Phosphatase Restores Hippo Tumor-Suppressor Activity in Gastric Cancer.
DNA material CS-RfA-ETBsd (RDB07917) , pENTR4-H1 (RDB04395) Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Delay Diabetic Wound Healing by Inducing Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition via the Hippo pathway.
Drosophila DGRC#102735 , DGRC#109998 , DGRC#108774 Hippo signaling suppresses tumor cell metastasis via a Yki-Src42A positive feedback loop.
Human and Animal Cells Li-7(RCB1941) Statin attenuates cell proliferative ability via TAZ (WWTR1) in hepatocellular carcinoma.
DNA material CSII-CMV-MCS-IRES2-Bsd (RDB04385) LIM-domain protein AJUBA suppresses malignant mesothelioma cell proliferation via Hippo signaling cascade.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) , MKN74(RCB1002) PAR1 participates in the ability of multidrug resistance and tumorigenesis by controlling Hippo-YAP pathway.
Human and Animal Cells OVK18(RCB1903) GEP oncogene promotes cell proliferation through YAP activation in ovarian cancer.
Drosophila 5422R-1 , DGRC#200784 Rox8 promotes microRNA-dependent yki messenger RNA decay.
Human and Animal Cells KGN(RCB1154) Timely expression and activation of YAP1 in granulosa cells is essential for ovarian follicle development.
DNA material pKM2L-phIL1B (RDB05526) TAZ activation by Hippo pathway dysregulation induces cytokine gene expression and promotes mesothelial cell transformation.
DNA material pCIneoFLAG-LATS1 (RDB14396) , pCIneoFHF-PP1A (RDB14397) , pCIneoFHF-PP2A (RDB14398) , pCIneoLuc-TAZ (RDB14399) , pCIneoFH-TAZ (RDB14400) , pCIneoEGFPC2 (RDB14401) , pLL3.7-FLAG-YAP1 (RDB14395) Validation of chemical compound library screening for transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif inhibitors using GFP-fused transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif.
DNA material pENTR4-H1 (RDB04395) , CS-RfA-ETBsd (RDB07917). Merlin/NF2-Lin28B-let-7 Is a Tumor-Suppressive Pathway that Is Cell-Density Dependent and Hippo Independent.
Mice RBRC01834 Kidney-specific knockout of Sav1 in the mouse promotes hyperproliferation of renal tubular epithelium through suppression of the Hippo pathway.
DNA material pcDNA3.1-pA83-aPKC lambda KD (RDB012202) , HA-Amot130/pcDNA3.1-pA83 (RDB012203) , HA-Amot80/pcDNA3.1-pA83 (RDB012204) , HA-Amot130-delta CC/pcDNA3.1-pA83 (RDB012205) , HA-Amot130-m5/pcDNA3.1-pA83 (RDB012206) , HA-Amot130-delta PDZbd/pcDNA3.1-pA83 (RDB012207) , HA-Amot130-S176A/pcDNA3.1-pA83 (RDB012208) , HA-Amot130-S176E/pcDNA3.1-pA83 (RDB012209) , HA-Merlin/pCAG-pA83 (RDB012210) , HA-Amot-delta(45-100)/pcDNA3.1-pA83 (RDB012211) , ... Polarity-dependent distribution of angiomotin localizes Hippo signaling in preimplantation embryos.
DNA material 8xGT-IIC-LucII (RDB08067) , pcDNA3.1-pA83-HA-Yap (RDB12190) , pcDNA3.1-pA83-Lats2 (RDB12200) YAP and TAZ, Hippo signaling targets, act as a rheostat for nuclear SHP2 function.