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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells KP4(RCB1005) , KLM-1(RCB2138) , T3M-4(RCB1021) A TEAD2-Driven Endothelial-Like Program Shapes Basal-Like Differentiation and Metastasis of Pancreatic Cancer.
Human and Animal Cells MIA Paca2(RCB2094) , PANC-1(RCB2095) Association of RAB5 overexpression in pancreatic cancer with cancer progression and poor prognosis via E-cadherin suppression.
Human and Animal Cells hPSC-1(RCB3586) Fatty Acid-Mediated Stromal Reprogramming of Pancreatic Stellate Cells Induces Inflammation and Fibrosis That Fuels Pancreatic Cancer.
Human and Animal Cells PK-1(RCB1972) , PK-45H(RCB1973) , PK-8(RCB2700) Cancer-associated adipocytes promote pancreatic cancer progression through SAA1 expression.
Human and Animal Cells PANC-1(RCB2095) , MIA Paca2(RCB2094) Cancer cell-derived interleukin-33 decoy receptor sST2 enhances orthotopic tumor growth in a murine pancreatic cancer model.
Human and Animal Cells MIA Paca2(RCB2094) , PANC-1(RCB2095) , PK-59(RCB1901) , PK-45H(RCB1973) , PK-45P(RCB2141) , Hep G2(RCB1886) Diagnostic potential of hypermethylation of the cysteine dioxygenase 1 gene (CDO1) promoter DNA in pancreatic cancer.
Human and Animal Cells HuCCT1(RCB1960) Antibodies to a CA 19-9 Related Antigen Complex Identify SOX9 Expressing Progenitor Cells In Human Foetal Pancreas and Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells iPS-MEF-Ng-20D-17(APS0001) Stem cell-derived tissue-associated regulatory T cells suppress the activity of pathogenic cells in autoimmune diabetes.
DNA material pCALNL5 (RDB01862). Overexpression of HER2 in the pancreas promotes development of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms in mice.
DNA material pCMFlag_hsIL8 (RDB07023) , pCMFlag_hsIL6 (RDB06998) , pCMFlag_hsIL1B (RDB06666) , pBluescript SKII+hTNF alpha (RDB01477). Interleukin-8 enhances the effect of colchicine on cell death.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Transgenic mouse model for imaging of interleukin-1β-related inflammation in vivo.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 5833 Studies on organ specificity in experimental murine cryptococcosis.
Rats KHR/Kyo(strainID=4) , KMI/Tky(strainID=29) Hereditary pancreatitis model WBN/Kob rat strain has a unique haplotype in the Pdwk1 region on chromosome 7.