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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells OST(RCB0454) Human osteosarcoma (OST) induces mouse reactive bone formation in xenograft system.
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) Tumor-specific autologous cytotoxic T lymphocytes from tissue sections.
Human and Animal Cells HL60(RCB0041) , MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) , MC3T3-G2/PA6(RCB1127) , ST2(RCB0224) Reciprocal gene expression of osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor and osteoclast differentiation factor regulates osteoclast formation.
Human and Animal Cells RCN-9(RCB0511) , NRK49F(RCB0112) Intratumoral injection of IL-2-activated NK cells enhances the antitumor effect of intradermally injected paraformaldehyde-fixed tumor vaccine in a rat intracranial brain tumor model.
DNA material Genomic DNA of Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii JCM 11950 T (JGD07466) , Genomic DNA of Propionibacterium acnes JCM 6425 T (JGD07462) Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii in granulomatous mastitis: Analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens by immunostaining using low-specificity bacterial antisera and real-time polymerase chain reaction.
Human and Animal Cells HBL-100(RCB0460) Reduction of BRCA1 protein expression in Japanese sporadic breast carcinomas and its frequent loss in BRCA1-associated cases.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 4844 , IFM 5805 , IFM 5844 , IFM 41464 Safe specimen preparation for electron microscopy of pathogenic fungi by freeze-substitution after glutaraldehyde fixation.