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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Algae AND Resource = NIES-298)
Species Resource Title
Algae NIES-88 , NIES-102 , NIES-204 , NIES-298 , NIES-843 , NIES-2481 , NIES-2549 Extensive Genomic Rearrangement of Catalase-Less Cyanobloom-Forming Microcystis aeruginosa in Freshwater Ecosystems
Algae NIES-298 Structural models predict a significantly higher binding affinity between the NblA protein of cyanophage Ma-LMM01 and the phycocyanin of Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-298 compared to the host homolog
Algae NIES-298 , NIES-843 , NIES-2481 , NIES-2549 The occurrence of positive selection on BicA transporter of Microcystis aeruginosa
Algae NIES-98 , NIES-102 , NIES-204 , NIES-298 , NIES-843 , NIES-2481 , NIES-2549 High Structural Diversity of Aeruginosins in Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria of the Genus Planktothrix as a Consequence of Multiple Recombination Events.
Algae NIES-298 Screening of the Bacterial Consortium Related to the Microcystin-LR Degradation Isolated From the Marine Area, Isahaya-Bay, and the Freshwater Area, Isahaya-Shin-ike-Pond, Japan
Algae NIES-298 Antiviral discovery in toxic cyanobacteria: Low hanging fruit in the age of pandemics
Algae NIES-298 Field and laboratory studies of fluorescence-based technologies for real-time tracking of cyanobacterial cell lysis and potential microcystins release.
Algae NIES-89 , NIES-98 , NIES-101 , NIES-205 , NIES-298 Diversity, Biosynthesis and Bioactivity of Aeruginosins, a Family of Cyanobacteria-Derived Nonribosomal Linear Tetrapeptides
Algae NIES-89 , NIES-102 , NIES-298 , NIES-843 Genetic Diversity of Microcystin Producers (Cyanobacteria) and Microcystin Congeners in Aquatic Resources across Africa: A Review Paper.
Algae NIES-102 , NIES-298 , NIES-843 Elucidation of Phenomena Involving Cyanobacteria in Freshwater Ecosystem by Chemically Ecological Approach
Algae NIES-298 The Self-Bleaching Process of Microcystis aeruginosa is Delayed by a Symbiotic Bacterium Pseudomonas sp. MAE1-K and Promoted by Methionine Deficiency.
Algae NIES-94 , NIES-298 Different Algicidal Modes of the Two Bacteria Aeromonas bestiarum HYD0802-MK36 and Pseudomonas syringae KACC10292T against Harmful Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa.
Algae NIES-88 , NIES-102 , NIES-298 , NIES-843 , NIES-2481 , NIES-2549 Comprehensive and functional analyses reveal the genomic diversity and potential toxicity of Microcystis.
Algae NIES-298 Linear Six-Carbon Sugar Alcohols Induce Lysis of Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-298 Cells.
Algae NIES-298 Membrane-like protein involved in phage adsorption associated with phage-sensitivity in the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
Algae NIES-298 Gene expression of Microcystis aeruginosa during infection of cyanomyovirus Ma-LMM01
Algae NIES-102 , NIES-298 Long-term and strong suppression against Microcystis growth and microcystin-release by luteolin continuous-release microsphere: Optimal construction, characterization, effects and proteomic mechanisms.
Algae NIES-102 , NIES-112 , NIES-298 , NIES-808 , NIES-843 , NIES-1642 , NIES-1652 , NIES-1677 , NIES-1696 , NIES-1728 Differences in susceptibility of cyanobacteria species to lytic volatile organic compounds and influence on seasonal succession.
Algae NIES-96 , NIES-298 Tolerance Against Prolonged Darkness of Three Freshwater Phytoplankton.
Algae NIES-298 Streptomyces neyagawaensis as a control for the hazardous biomass of Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanobacteria) in eutrophic freshwaters