Reference - Detail
RRC ID | 55790 |
Author | Etoh K, Fukuda M. |
Title | Rab10 regulates tubular endosome formation through KIF13A and KIF13B motors. |
Journal | J Cell Sci |
Abstract |
Recycling endosomes are stations that sort endocytic cargoes to their appropriate destinations. Tubular endosomes have been characterized as a recycling endosomal compartment for clathrin-independent cargoes. However, the molecular mechanism by which tubular endosome formation is regulated is poorly understood. In this study, we identified Rab10 as a novel protein localized at tubular endosomes by using a comprehensive localization screen of EGFP-tagged Rab small GTPases. Knockout of Rab10 completely abolished tubular endosomal structures in HeLaM cells. We also identified kinesin motors KIF13A and KIF13B as novel Rab10-interacting proteins by means of in silico screening. The results of this study demonstrated that both the Rab10-binding homology domain and the motor domain of KIF13A are required for Rab10-positive tubular endosome formation. Our findings provide insight into the mechanism by which the Rab10-KIF13A (or KIF13B) complex regulates tubular endosome formation. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper. |
Volume | 132(5) |
Published | 2019-2-19 |
DOI | 10.1242/jcs.226977 |
PII | jcs.226977 |
PMID | 30700496 |
MeSH | Endocytosis Endosomes / metabolism* Endosomes / ultrastructure Gene Knockout Techniques HeLa Cells Humans Kinesins / metabolism* Organelle Biogenesis* Protein Binding rab GTP-Binding Proteins / genetics rab GTP-Binding Proteins / metabolism* |
IF | 4.517 |
Times Cited | 11 |
Resource | |
DNA material | pmStr-C1-Rab10 (RDB17221) pMRX-puro-EGFP-Rab5A (RDB17222) pMRX-puro-EGFP-Rab10 (RDB17223) pMRX-puro-EGFP-Rab13 (RDB17224) pMRX-puro-EGFP-Rab17 (RDB17225) pMRX-puro-EGFP-Rab21 (RDB17226) pMRX-puro-EGFP-Rab22A (RDB17227) pMRX-puro-EGFP-Rab23 (RDB17228) pMRX-bsr-mStr-EMTB (RDB17229) pEGFP-C1-KIF13A-tail (RDB17230) pEGFP-C1-KIF13B-tail (RDB17231) pEGFP-C1-KIF13A-tail-deltaRHD (RDB17232) pEGFP-C1-KIF13B-tail-deltaRHD (RDB17233) pMRX-bsr-Myc-KIF13A (RDB17234) pMRX-puro-HA-KIF13B (RDB17235) |