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Species Resource Title
Tomato TOMATOMICS研究利用 The parthenocarpic gene Pat-k is generated by a natural mutation of SlAGL6 affecting fruit development in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.).
Chrysanthemum Gojo-0 , AKW10 , AKV11 , ALQ01 , AEV02 , AEV12 , AEV13 , AGJ02 , AHP01 , AIR01 , ... A pure line derived from a self-compatible Chrysanthemum seticuspe mutant as a model strain in the genus Chrysanthemum.
Tomato TOMJPF00001 High-Temperature-Induced Defects in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Anther and Pollen Development Are Associated with Reduced Expression of B-Class Floral Patterning Genes.
Rice Oryzabase The Oryza sativa no pollen (Osnop) gene plays a role in male gametophyte development and most likely encodes a C2-GRAM domain-containing protein.
Morning Glory pYAS101 A petal-specific InMYB1 promoter from Japanese morning glory: a useful tool for molecular breeding of floricultural crops.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pst13552 The Arabidopsis DCR encoding a soluble BAHD acyltransferase is required for cutin polyester formation and seed hydration properties.
Wheat KU-104-2 , LPGKU2272(Langdon) , LPGKU2269(Chinese Spring) Heterochronic development of the floret meristem determines grain number per spikelet in diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheats.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pst00809 Transcription factor AtMYB103 is required for anther development by regulating tapetum development, callose dissolution and exine formation in Arabidopsis.
Morning Glory アサガオ The FEATHERED gene is required for polarity establishment in lateral organs especially flowers of the Japanese morning glory (I pomoea nil ).
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda05706 Genetic and biochemical evidence for involvement of HOTHEAD in the biosynthesis of long-chain alpha-,omega-dicarboxylic fatty acids and formation of extracellular matrix.
INFORMATION Rice The Oryza sativa no pollen (Osnop) gene plays a role in male gametophyte development and most likely encodes a C2-GRAM domain-containing protein.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda05864 Interaction of Polycomb-group proteins controlling flowering in Arabidopsis.