RRC ID 81983
Author Tolman ER, Beatty CD, Kohli MK, Abbott J, Bybee SM, Frandsen PB, Stephen Gosnell J, Guralnick R, Kalkman VJ, Newton LG, Suvorov A, Ware JL.
Title A molecular phylogeny of the Petaluridae (Odonata: Anisoptera): A 160-Million-Year-Old story of drift and extinction.
Journal Mol Phylogenet Evol
Abstract Petaluridae (Odonata: Anisoptera) is a relict dragonfly family, having diverged from its sister family in the Jurassic, of eleven species that are notable among odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) for their exclusive use of fen and bog habitats, their burrowing behavior as nymphs, large body size as adults, and extended lifespans. To date, several nodes within this family remain unresolved, limiting the study of the evolution of this peculiar family. Using an anchored hybrid enrichment dataset of over 900 loci we reconstructed the species tree of Petaluridae. To estimate the temporal origin of the genera within this family, we used a set of well-vetted fossils and a relaxed molecular clock model in a divergence time estimation analysis. We estimate that Petaluridae originated in the early Cretaceous and confirm the existence of monophyletic Gondwanan and Laurasian clades within the family. Our relaxed molecular clock analysis estimated that these clades diverged from their MRCA approximately 160 mya. Extant lineages within this family were identified to have persisted from 6 (Uropetala) to 120 million years (Phenes). Our biogeographical analyses focusing on a set of key regions suggest that divergence within Petaluridae is largely correlated with continental drift, the exposure of land bridges, and the development of mountain ranges. Our results support the hypothesis that species within Petaluridae have persisted for tens of millions of years, with little fossil evidence to suggest widespread extinction in the family, despite optimal conditions for the fossilization of nymphs. Petaluridae appear to be a rare example of habitat specialists that have persisted for tens of millions of years.
Volume 200
Pages 108185
Published 2024-8-30
DOI 10.1016/j.ympev.2024.108185
PII S1055-7903(24)00177-5
PMID 39209047
MeSH Animals Bayes Theorem Evolution, Molecular Extinction, Biological Fossils* Models, Genetic Odonata* / classification Odonata* / genetics Phylogeny* Sequence Analysis, DNA
IF 3.496
GBIF Insect specimens of Iwate Prefectural Museum Insect specimens of Toyota City Nature Sanctuary Entomological Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan Insect specimens of Kushiro City Museum Odonata Specimens of Yamaguchi prefectural Yamaguchi Museum Akita Prefectural Museum, Insect Collection Ibaraki Nature Museum, Arthropoda collection Insecta Specimens of Kawasaki Municipal Science Museum A crowdsourcing approach to collecting photo-based insect and plant observation records Insect specimens of Komatsu City Museum Insect specimens of Toyama Science Museum