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Species Resource Title
GBIF Insect specimens of Iwate Prefectural Museum , Insect specimens of Toyota City Nature Sanctuary , Entomological Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan , Insect specimens of Kushiro City Museum , Odonata Specimens of Yamaguchi prefectural Yamaguchi Museum , Akita Prefectural Museum, Insect Collection , Ibaraki Nature Museum, Arthropoda collection , Insecta Specimens of Kawasaki Municipal Science Museum , A crowdsourcing approach to collecting photo-based insect and plant observation records , Insect specimens of Komatsu City Museum , ... A molecular phylogeny of the Petaluridae (Odonata: Anisoptera): A 160-Million-Year-Old story of drift and extinction.
C.elegans tm872 , tm1301 Dual roles for piRNAs in promoting and preventing gene silencing in C. elegans.
Drosophila 10003Ab-1 Gene silencing mechanisms mediated by Aubergine piRNA complexes in Drosophila male gonad.
Drosophila 10002Ab-1 A slicer-mediated mechanism for repeat-associated siRNA 5' end formation in Drosophila.
Drosophila DGRC#118825 Genetic analysis of speciation by means of introgression into Drosophila melanogaster.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Proteomic characterization of sperm radial spokes identifies a novel spoke protein with an ubiquitin domain.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int A methodical microarray design enables surveying of expression of a broader range of genes in Ciona intestinalis.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) Diacylglycerol kinase gamma is one of the specific receptors of tumor-promoting phorbol esters.
DNA material pCAGGS-PB2cFLAG (RDB19457) , pCAGGS-NP (RDB19456) , pCAGGS-PA (RDB19455) , pCAGGS-PB2 (RDB19454) , pCAGGS-PB1 (RDB19453) De novo replication of the influenza virus RNA genome is regulated by DNA replicative helicase, MCM.
Human and Animal Cells 293(RCB1637) ADAMTSL6β protein rescues fibrillin-1 microfibril disorder in a Marfan syndrome mouse model through the promotion of fibrillin-1 assembly.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) , COS-7(RCB0539) A novel mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase is an important negative regulator of lipopolysaccharide-mediated c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation in mouse macrophage cell lines.
DNA material pC12 (RDB18710) , pD8 (RDB18711) Dissection of mammalian replicators by a novel plasmid stability assay.
Human and Animal Cells 10T1/2(RCB0247) Hes1 promotes blast crisis in chronic myelogenous leukemia through MMP-9 upregulation in leukemic cells.
Human and Animal Cells GCIY(RCB0555) , OVK18(RCB1903) WRN helicase is a synthetic lethal target in microsatellite unstable cancers.
DNA material PHM661 (RDB18135) , PHM688 (RDB18136) , PHM663 (RDB18137) , PHM664 (RDB18138) , PHM740 (RDB18139) , PHM760 (RDB18140) , PHM745 (RDB18141) , PHM757 (RDB18142) , PHM829 (RDB18143) , PHM820 (RDB18144) , ... CRISPR/Transposon gene integration (CRITGI) can manage gene expression in a retrotransposon-dependent manner.
Zebrafish Tg(CM-isl1:GFP)rw0 A genetic model of CEDNIK syndrome in zebrafish highlights the role of the SNARE protein Snap29 in neuromotor and epidermal development.
C.elegans tm1978 DAF-16/FOXO and HLH-30/TFEB function as combinatorial transcription factors to promote stress resistance and longevity.
Algae NIES-4391 A common red algal origin of the apicomplexan, dinoflagellate, and heterokont plastids.
GBIF Vascular plant specimens of Akita Prefectural Museum , Herbarium, University Archives and Collections, Fukushima University, Japan (FKSE) , Angiospermatatophytina Collection of Saitama Museum of Natural History , Vascular Plant Collection of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba , Plant Specimens of Kurashiki Museum of Natural History , Herbarium Specimens of Tokushima Prefectural Museum, Japan , Vascular Plants Collection of Sagamihara City Museum , Plant specimens in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan , Plant specimens deposited in Osaka Museum of Natural History, Japan , Vascular Plant Specimens of Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden , ... Polyploidy promotes species diversification of Allium through ecological shifts.
Drosophila Upper thermal limits of Drosophila are linked to species distributions and strongly constrained phylogenetically.