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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells KG-1(RCB1166) , K562(RCB0027) The combination of venetoclax and quercetin exerts a cytotoxic effect on acute myeloid leukemia.
Human and Animal Cells Ca9-22(RCB1976) Modulation of signature cancer-related genes in oral cancer cells (Ca9-22) by anethole treatment: Insights into therapeutic potential.
Human and Animal Cells T24(RCB2536) , JMSU1(RCB2227) STAT3 Contributes a Favorable Response to Pembrolizumab Through IFN-γ-induced Apoptosis in Urothelial Cancer.
Human and Animal Cells TFK-1(RCB2537) SRPK Inhibitors Reduce the Phosphorylation and Translocation of SR Protein Splicing Factors, thereby Correcting BIN1, MCL-1 and BCL2 Splicing Errors and Enabling Apoptosis of Cholangiocarcinoma Cells.
Human and Animal Cells HL60(RCB0041) Verification of In Vitro Anticancer Activity and Bioactive Compounds in Cordyceps Militaris-Infused Sweet Potato Shochu Spirits.
Human and Animal Cells Hep G2 Baicalin target protein, Annexin A2, is a target of new antitumor drugs.
Human and Animal Cells Hep G2(RCB1886) The Beneficial Effect of Brazilian Propolis for Liver Damage through Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa Inhibition of HSF1 and SAFB Granule Formation Enhances Apoptosis Induced by Heat Stress.
Human and Animal Cells HL60(RCB0041) , U251(RCB0461) Anticancer activity of morphine and its synthetic derivative, KT-90, mediated through apoptosis and inhibition of NF-kappaB activation.
Human and Animal Cells 32D(RCB1145) Minichromosome maintenance 2 bound with retroviral Gp70 is localized to cytoplasm and enhances DNA-damage-induced apoptosis.
Human and Animal Cells MCF7(RCB1904) , A549(RCB3677) Elevated (Pro)renin Receptor Expression by Anti-Cancer Drugs, Carboplatin and Paclitaxel, in Cultured Cancer Cells: Possible Involvement of Apoptosis and Autophagy.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Lipoxygenase may be involved in cationic liposome-induced macrophage apoptosis.
Human and Animal Cells HHUA(RCB0658) STAT3 enhances intracellular Fas-mediated apoptotic signals in HHUA human endometrial epithelial cells.
Human and Animal Cells HHUA(RCB0658) Targeted knockdown of death-associated protein kinase expression induces TRAIL-mediated apoptosis in human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells.
Human and Animal Cells NUGC-4(RCB1939) , MKN74(RCB1002) Downregulation of ARID1A in gastric cancer cells: a putative protective molecular mechanism against the Harakiri-mediated apoptosis pathway.
Human and Animal Cells HSC-4(RCB1902) , HSC-2(RCB1945) , HSC-3(RCB1975) , SAS(RCB1974) , HO-1-u-1(RCB2102) Toll-like receptor 3 signaling induces apoptosis in human head and neck cancer via survivin associated pathway.
Drosophila Mitochondrial calcium uniporter in Drosophila transfers calcium between the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria in oxidative stress-induced cell death.
Human and Animal Cells A549(RCB0098) Potential Role of ASC, a Proapoptotic Protein, for Determining the Cisplatin Susceptibility of Lung Cancer Cells.
Mice RBRC01828 Loss of DDHD2, whose mutation causes spastic paraplegia, promotes reactive oxygen species generation and apoptosis.
C.elegans tm395 PDR-1/hParkin negatively regulates the phagocytosis of apoptotic cell corpses in Caenorhabditis elegans.