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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Cell Nucleolus / metabolism)
Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm1769 The Caenorhabditis elegans cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase CRL4DCAF-1 is required for proper germline nucleolus morphology and male development.
C.elegans tm6653 , tm6844 , tm5568 Antisense ribosomal siRNAs inhibit RNA polymerase I-directed transcription in C. elegans.
Human and Animal Cells RMS-YM(RCB1695) Nucleolar Stress Response via Ribosomal Protein L11 Regulates Topoisomerase Inhibitor Sensitivity of P53-Intact Cancers.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) C-terminal short arginine/serine repeat sequence-dependent regulation of Y14 (RBM8A) localization.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) Regulation of the MDM2-P53 pathway and tumor growth by PICT1 via nucleolar RPL11.
Prokaryotes E. coli ASKA library , JW3229 , JW3138 Clusters of bacterial RNA polymerase are biomolecular condensates that assemble through liquid-liquid phase separation.
Human and Animal Cells P19.CL6(RCB1539) RRP7A links primary microcephaly to dysfunction of ribosome biogenesis, resorption of primary cilia, and neurogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells NB1RGB(RCB0222) Epigenetic control of rDNA loci in response to intracellular energy status.
C.elegans tm3948 , tm3425 , tm1226 , tm10601 , tm6801 Autophagy of germ-granule components, PGL-1 and PGL-3, contributes to DNA damage-induced germ cell apoptosis in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1978 Nucleolar fibrillarin is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of bacterial pathogen resistance.
Human and Animal Cells NMuMG/Fucci2(RCB2868) Ribosome biogenesis during cell cycle arrest fuels EMT in development and disease.
Prokaryotes B. subtilis MBS465 , MBS466 , MBS467 , MBS468 , MBS469 , MBS470 , MBS471 , MBS472 , MBS473 , MBS474 , ... Multiple cis-Acting rDNAs Contribute to Nucleoid Separation and Recruit the Bacterial Condensin Smc-ScpAB.
Drosophila 7904R-3 TGFβ/Activin signalling is required for ribosome biogenesis and cell growth in Drosophila salivary glands.
Human and Animal Cells DDX31 regulates the p53-HDM2 pathway and rRNA gene transcription through its interaction with NPM1 in renal cell carcinomas.
DNA material pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394). PICT1 regulates TP53 via RPL11 and is involved in gastric cancer progression.
DNA material rat brain His-tagged PAG608 cDNA (RDB02980) The p53-activated gene, PAG608, requires a zinc finger domain for nuclear localization and oxidative stress-induced apoptosis.
Yeast FY12806 , FY13308 , FY15567 Red5 and three nuclear pore components are essential for efficient suppression of specific mRNAs during vegetative growth of fission yeast.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pst10872 A nucleostemin-like GTPase required for normal apical and floral meristem development in Arabidopsis.
C.elegans BY4544 Depletion of a nucleolar protein activates xenobiotic detoxification genes in Caenorhabditis elegans via Nrf /SKN-1 and p53/CEP-1.
Yeast FY648? Roles of fission yeast Grc3 protein in ribosomal RNA processing and heterochromatic gene silencing.