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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells BeWo8RCB1644) Downregulation of SPARC Expression Enhances the Fusion of BeWo Choriocarcinoma Cells.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) LncRNA MAGI2-AS3 promotes fracture healing through downregulation of miR-223-3p.
Human and Animal Cells HCE-T(RCB2280) Effects of multipurpose contact lens care solutions and their ingredients on membrane-associated mucins of human corneal epithelial cells.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Lipopolysaccharide suppresses RANK gene expression in macrophages by down-regulating PU.1 and MITF.
Human and Animal Cells A549 Down-regulation of Claudin-2 Expression and Proliferation by Epigenetic Inhibitors in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma A549 Cells.
Human and Animal Cells NB9(RCB0477) Depletion of TFAP2E attenuates adriamycin-mediated apoptosis in human neuroblastoma cells.
C.elegans tm6034 Downregulated RPS-30 in Angiostrongylus cantonensis L5 plays a defensive role against damage due to oxidative stress.
Human and Animal Cells PANC-1(RCB2095) Downregulation of ZNF395 Drives Progression of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma through Enhancement of Growth Potential.
Human and Animal Cells HHUA(RCB0658) Specific downregulation of death-associated protein kinase enhances Fas-mediated apoptosis in the human differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line, HHUA.
Human and Animal Cells HCE-T(RCB2280) Down-Regulation of MicroRNA-184 Is Associated With Corneal Neovascularization.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) , HHUA(RCB0658) Downregulation of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is associated with the progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
Human and Animal Cells C2C12(RCB0987) Cobalt chloride, a chemical hypoxia-mimicking agent, suppresses myoblast differentiation by downregulating myogenin expression.
Cord blood stem cells for research PCDH17 functions as a common tumor suppressor gene in acute leukemia and its transcriptional downregulation is mediated primarily by aberrant histone acetylation, not DNA methylation.
Human and Animal Cells MOLT-4(RCB0206), Jurkat EOS, an Ikaros family zinc finger transcription factor, interacts with the HTLV-1 oncoprotein Tax and is downregulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HTLV-1-infected individuals, irrespective of clinical statuses.
Human and Animal Cells THP-1(RCB1189) Relationship between the Regulation of Caspase-8-Mediated Apoptosis and Radioresistance in Human THP-1-Derived Macrophages.
Human and Animal Cells COLO-320(RCB1193) , CW-2(RCB0778) Downregulation of dual-specificity phosphatase 4 enhances cell proliferation and invasiveness in colorectal carcinomas.
Rats F344-Lgi1m1Kyo (strainID=1036) Down-Regulation of Astrocytic Kir4.1 Channels during the Audiogenic Epileptogenesis in Leucine-Rich Glioma-Inactivated 1 (Lgi1) Mutant Rats.
DNA material , Human and Animal Cells CSIV-CMV-MCS-IRES2-Venus (RDB08257) , EBRTcH3(AES0054) The nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase complex protein CHD4 regulates neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells by down-regulating p53.
Prokaryotes B. subtilis MBS614 , MBS631 , MBS632 , MBS633 , MBS634 , MBS635 , MBS636 , MBS637 , MBS638 , MBS639 , ... Regulatory role of RsgI in sigI expression in Bacillus subtilis.
C.elegans tm3972 , tm5187 , tm301 Protein Phosphatase 1 Down Regulates ZYG-1 Levels to Limit Centriole Duplication.