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Medaka OK-Cab (MT830) , cDNA clone (ola1-212j01, olte61d07, olova4m02) foxl3, a sexual switch in germ cells, initiates two independent molecular pathways for commitment to oogenesis in medaka.
C.elegans tm2469 HTZ-1/H2A.z and MYS-1/MYST HAT act redundantly to maintain cell fates in somatic gonadal cells through repression of ceh-22 in C. elegans.
Medaka d-rR/TOKYO (MT837) Expression and localization of gonadotropic hormone subunits (Gpa, Fshb, and Lhb) in the pituitary during gonadal differentiation in medaka.
Medaka database , cDNA (MF01SSA162C06) Temporal and spatial localization of three germline-specific proteins in medaka.
C.elegans tm651 , tm1092 Caenorhabditis elegans teneurin, ten-1, is required for gonadal and pharyngeal basement membrane integrity and acts redundantly with integrin ina-1 and dystroglycan dgn-1.
Medaka BAC (ola1-014G01) , inbred cab strain Sox9b/sox9a2-EGFP transgenic medaka reveals the morphological reorganization of the gonads and a common precursor of both the female and male supporting cells.
Medaka STII-YI-Tg(olvas-GFP) (TG137) Quantitative bio-imaging analysis for evaluation of sexual differentiation in germ cells of olvas-GFP/ST-II YI medaka (Oryzias latipes) nanoinjected in ovo with ethinylestradiol.
Medaka OK-Cab (MT830) , Qurt (MT828) Mutations affecting gonadal development in Medaka, Oryzias latipes.