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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Green Fluorescent Proteins / metabolism*)
Species Resource Title
DNA material pROSA26CAG-GFP-tdsRed (RDB19441) Novel ROSA26 Cre-reporter knock-in C57BL/6N mice exhibiting green emission before and red emission after Cre-mediated recombination.
DNA material pFX-Tom20-SECFP (RDB19410) , pFX-SECFP-Sec61β (RDB19411) , pFX-GalT-SECFP (RDB19412) , pFX-β-tubulin-SECFP (RDB19413) , pFX-H2B-SECFP (RDB19414) , pFX-mito-EGFP (RDB19415) , pFX-EGFP-EEA1 (RDB19416) , pFX-EGFP-Rab5 (RDB19417) , pFX-EGFP-Rab7 (RDB19418) , pFX-EGFP-Rab11 (RDB19419) Folding Latency of Fluorescent Proteins Affects the Mitochondrial Localization of Fusion Proteins.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa/Fucci(RCB2812) Differential dependence on oxygen tension during the maturation process between monomeric Kusabira Orange 2 and monomeric Azami Green expressed in HeLa cells.
DNA material pCMV-GFP (RDB19277) , pCMV-MTS-GFP (RDB19278) , pCMV-ER-GFP (RDB19279) , pCMV-RFP (RDB19280) , pCMV-RFP* (RDB19281) , pCMV-SEAP (RDB19282) , pCMV-HAS (RDB19283) , pCMV-SEAPΔSS (RDB19284) , pCMV-SEC24 (RDB19285) , pCMV-SEC31 (RDB19286) , ... Development of an experimental method of systematically estimating protein expression limits in HEK293 cells.
DNA material EGFP2 (RDB19232) , EGFP3 (RDB19233) , EGFP4 (RDB19234) , EGFP5 (RDB19235) Microenvironment and effect of energy depletion in the nucleus analyzed by mobility of multiple oligomeric EGFPs.
DNA material pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) Biliverdin Reductase-A Deficiency Brighten and Sensitize Biliverdin-binding Chromoproteins.
Human and Animal Cells , DNA material HeLa , Gamillus/pcDNA3 (RDB19864) Acid-Tolerant Monomeric GFP from Olindias formosa.
Human and Animal Cells human iPS Robust cancer-specific gene expression by a novel cassette with hTERT and CMV promoter elements.
Chicken / Quail Brilliant Blue as an alternative dye to Fast Green for in ovo electroporation.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa Genetically Encoded Fluorescence/Bioluminescence Bimodal Indicators for Ca2+ Imaging.
C.elegans tm2364 Using a Robust and Sensitive GFP-Based cGMP Sensor for Real-Time Imaging in Intact Caenorhabditis elegans.
DNA material pN1-QUE2m (RDB17767) , pN1-QUEEN7mu (RDB17766) , pN1-QUEEN7mu R122K R126K (RDB17755) , pN1-QNA (RDB17768) , pN1-COX-Q2m (RDB17779) , pN1-COX-Q7mu (RDB17777) , pN1-COX-QNA (RDB17778) , pN1-ITPKA-Q2m (RDB17781) , pN1-ITPKA-Q7mu (RDB17783) , pN1-ITPKA-QNA (RDB17782) , ... Diversity in ATP concentrations in a single bacterial cell population revealed by quantitative single-cell imaging.
Human and Animal Cells , DNA material HeLa , SuperNova Green/pRSETB (RDB19865) Green monomeric photosensitizing fluorescent protein for photo-inducible protein inactivation and cell ablation.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes , Human and Animal Cells , DNA material rpc00008 , HeLa , 293(RCB1637) , EGFP-beta-actin (RDB20216) , beta-actin-EGFP (RDB20217) The Position of the GFP Tag on Actin Affects the Filament Formation in Mammalian Cells.
DNA material pRSETB-BReleaCa (RDB15908) , pcDNA3-BReleaCa (RDB15909) A dual-ligand-modulable fluorescent protein based on UnaG and calmodulin.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) , HeLa(RCB0007) Dissection of local Ca(2+) signals inside cytosol by ER-targeted Ca(2+) indicator.
C.elegans tm4024 A toolkit for GFP-mediated tissue-specific protein degradation in C. elegans.
Zebrafish Tg(huC:GVP) Green fluorescent genetically encoded calcium indicator based on calmodulin/M13-peptide from fungi.
Zebrafish Tg(HuC:GVP) Visualization of Neuregulin 1 ectodomain shedding reveals its local processing in vitro and in vivo.
Zebrafish Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting and Gene Expression Profiling of GFP-Positive Cells from Transgenic Zebrafish Lines.