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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Hyperglycemia / metabolism)
Species Resource Title
Silkworms Additive effects of Kothala himbutu (Salacia reticulata) extract and a lactic acid bacterium (Enterococcus faecalis YM0831) for suppression of sucrose-induced hyperglycemia in an in vivo silkworm evaluation system.
Mice RBRCGD000099 Loss-of-function mutation of serine racemase attenuates retinal ganglion cell loss in diabetic mice.
Human and Animal Cells CACO-2(RCB0988) Inhibitory effect of black tea and its combination with acarbose on small intestinal α-glucosidase activity.
Human and Animal Cells Reduction of paraoxonase-1 activity may contribute the qualitative impairment of HDL particles in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Silkworms Diabetic silkworms for evaluation of therapeutically effective drugs against type II diabetes.
Drosophila 15009R-3 Systemic organ wasting induced by localized expression of the secreted insulin/IGF antagonist ImpL2.
Drosophila Imp protein trap strain (DGRC#110921) Use of Drosophila as an evaluation method reveals imp as a candidate gene for type 2 diabetes in rat locus Niddm22.
Rats The unfolded protein response in lens epithelial cells from galactosemic rat lenses.