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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Liver Neoplasms / mortality)
Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 Inhibitory effects of transcription factor Ikaros on the expression of liver cancer stem cell marker CD133 in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells HL60(RCB0041) Expression of survivin messenger RNA correlates with poor prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 Development of T cells redirected to glypican-3 for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7(RCB1366) Inhibition of DTYMK significantly restrains the growth of HCC and increases sensitivity to oxaliplatin.
Human and Animal Cells KMST-6(RCB1955) , Hep G2(RCB1648) , HuH-7(RCB1366) Involvement of MAFB and MAFF in Retinoid-Mediated Suppression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Invasion.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-6(RCB1367) Identification of Chemical Inhibitors of β-Catenin-Driven Liver Tumorigenesis in Zebrafish.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 ZNF143-Mediated H3K9 Trimethylation Upregulates CDC6 by Activating MDIG in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells Hep G2 Overexpression of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 21 is associated with motility, metastasis, and poor prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 A Positive Feedback Loop of AKR1C3-Mediated Activation of NF-κB and STAT3 Facilitates Proliferation and Metastasis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells Li-7(RCB1941) Statin attenuates cell proliferative ability via TAZ (WWTR1) in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 Galectin-3 favours tumour metastasis via the activation of β-catenin signalling in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 Neuropeptide Y1 receptor inhibits cell growth through inactivating mitogen-activated protein kinase signal pathway in human hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 Hepatic stellate cells activated by acidic tumor microenvironment promote the metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma via osteopontin.
Human and Animal Cells , DNA material HCT116(RCB2979) , CS-RfA-CG (RDB04390) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) The novel lncRNA CALIC upregulates AXL to promote colon cancer metastasis.
Human and Animal Cells Hep G2 High ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase expression in hepatocellular carcinoma denotes a poor prognosis with highly malignant potential.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 Long noncoding RNA HOTTIP/HOXA13 expression is associated with disease progression and predicts outcome in hepatocellular carcinoma patients.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7(RCB1366) LIM and SH3 protein 1, a promoter of cell proliferation and migration, is a novel independent prognostic indicator in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells K562(RCB0027) Expression of MAGE genes and survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells Decreased expression of XPO4 is associated with poor prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-6(RCB1367) , HuH-7 Long non-coding RNA CARLo-5 expression is associated with disease progression and predicts outcome in hepatocellular carcinoma patients.