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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) Platelet-Rich Fibrin Decreases the Inflammatory Response of Mesenchymal Cells.
Human and Animal Cells Ehrlich(RCB0142) Antitumor effect of nuclear factor-κB decoy transfer by mannose-modified bubble lipoplex into macrophages in mouse malignant ascites.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Eriobotryae folium extract suppresses LPS-induced iNOS and COX-2 expression by inhibition of NF-kappaB and MAPK activation in murine macrophages.
Human and Animal Cells J774.1(RCB0434) 6-(methylsulfinyl)hexyl isothiocyanate (6-MITC) from Wasabia japonica alleviates inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) by potential inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK-3β).
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) IL-15 and RANKL Play a Synergistically Important Role in Osteoclastogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells C2C12(RCB0987) Mesenchymal Stem Cells Alter the Inflammatory Response of C2C12 Mouse Skeletal Muscle Cells.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Osteoblasts-derived TGF-beta1 enhance motility and integrin upregulation through Akt, ERK, and NF-kappaB-dependent pathway in human breast cancer cells.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Involvement of interleukin‑23 induced by Porphyromonas endodontalis lipopolysaccharide in osteoclastogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells K562(RCB1897) , K562/Adr(RCB1898) Molecular Mechanism of Matrine from Sophora alopecuroides in the Reversing Effect of Multi-Anticancer Drug Resistance in K562/ADR Cells.
Human and Animal Cells MCF7(RCB1904) Isolation of ketomycin from Actinomycetes as an inhibitor of 2D and 3D cancer cell invasion.
Mice RBRC02975 ATG5-mediated autophagy suppresses NF-κB signaling to limit epithelial inflammatory response to kidney injury.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) , ST2(RCB0224) Bavachin induces the apoptosis of multiple myeloma cell lines by inhibiting the activation of nuclear factor kappa B and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3.
Human and Animal Cells KU812(RCB0495) Benzyl isothiocyanate inhibits IL-13 expression in human basophilic KU812 cells.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) , L929(RCB1422) Inhibitory effects of 4-hydroxyderricin and xanthoangelol on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in RAW264 macrophages.
Human and Animal Cells MG-63(RCB1890) Tumor necrosis factor-α enhances RANKL expression in gingival epithelial cells via protein kinase A signaling.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Immunological role of prostaglandin E2 production in mouse auditory cells in response to LPS.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Lipopolysaccharide prevents valproic acid-induced apoptosis via activation of nuclear factor-κB and inhibition of p53 activation.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Inhibitory effects and molecular mechanisms of garlic organosulfur compounds on the production of inflammatory mediators.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Mouse pyrin and HIN domain family member 1 (pyhin1) protein positively regulates LPS-induced IFN-β and NO production in macrophages.
Human and Animal Cells PANC-1(RCB2095) , MIA Paca2(RCB2094) Attenuation of reactive oxygen species by antioxidants suppresses hypoxia-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis of pancreatic cancer cells.