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Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm5030 , tm6659 Mutation of daf-2 extends lifespan via tissue-specific effectors that suppress distinct life-limiting pathologies.
Mice RBRC05765 Brain-specific deletion of histone variant H2A.z results in cortical neurogenesis defects and neurodevelopmental disorder.
Medaka pIST4-cmlc2::mCherry-HBA0::GFP (TG935) , pIST4-cmlc2::mCherry-myl2::GFP (TG941) , pIST6-cmlc2::mCherry-myl2::GFP (TG955) Dual promoter expression system with insulator ensures a stringent tissue-specific regulation of two reporter genes in the transgenic fish.
C.elegans tm1361 , tm1705 , tm1917 , tm1860 Tissue specificity of Caenorhabditis elegans enhanced RNA interference mutants.
Drosophila D. pseudoobscura (K-s12) , D. persimilis (K-s11) , D. simulans (K-s05) , and D. sechellia (K-s10) Tissue- and stage-dependent dosage compensation on the neo-X chromosome in Drosophila pseudoobscura.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pst11030 The tissue-specific and developmentally regulated expression patterns of the SAUR41 subfamily of small auxin up RNA genes: potential implications.
DNA material , Drosophila CG31151 full/pUAST-F (RDB07965) , deltaBAH/pUAST-F (RDB07966) , DGRC#206414 Involvement of winged eye encoding a chromatin-associated bromo-adjacent homology domain protein in disc specification.