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Species Resource Title
Yeast BY29039 Overexpression of PkINO1 improves ethanol resistance of Pichia kudriavzevii N77-4 isolated from the Korean traditional fermentation starter nuruk.
Yeast BY23849 Functional characterization and overexpression of Δ12-desaturase in the oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula toruloides for production of linoleic acid-rich lipids.
Pathogenic eukaryotic microorganisms Aspergillus tubingensis IFM 65578 (= WU-2223L) Rapid and marker-free gene replacement in citric acid-producing Aspergillus tubingensis (A. niger) WU-2223L by the CRISPR/Cas9 system-based genome editing technique using DNA fragments encoding sgRNAs.
Yeast pGK416 Expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cDNAs to enhance the growth of non-ethanol-producing S. cerevisiae strains lacking pyruvate decarboxylases.
General Microbes JCM16142 High cellulolytic potential of the Ktedonobacteria lineage revealed by genome-wide analysis of CAZymes.
General Microbes JCM6827 , JCM3191 , JCM2895 , JCM6823 , JCM6825 Bioconversion of pyridoxine to pyridoxamine through pyridoxal using a Rhodococcus expression system.
Yeast BY3072 , BY22441 , BYP558 , BYP556 Meiotic chromosomal recombination defect in sake yeasts.
Drosophila Optogenetic inhibition of behavior with anion channelrhodopsins.
Cellular slime molds Excitable dynamics of Ras triggers spontaneous symmetry breaking of PIP3 signaling in motile cells.
Yeast BY4389 Delta-9 fatty acid desaturase overexpression enhanced lipid production and oleic acid content in Rhodosporidium toruloides for preferable yeast lipid production.
Prokaryotes E. coli Ophthalmic acid accumulation in an Escherichia coli mutant lacking the conserved pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-binding protein YggS.
Prokaryotes E. coli Mutagenesis in the lacI gene target of E. coli: improved analysis for lacI(d) and lacO mutants.
C.elegans tm1221 Small Heat Shock Proteins Are Novel Common Determinants of Alcohol and Nicotine Sensitivity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Algae NIES-2151 Application of microalgae hydrolysate as a fermentation medium for microbial production of 2-pyrone 4,6-dicarboxylic acid.
DNA material ML2 (RDB15927) , ML3 (RDB15928) , ML6 (RDB15929) , ML8 (RDB15930) , ML12 (RDB15931) , ML14 (RDB15932) , ML17 (RDB15933) , ML21 (RDB15934) , ML24 (RDB15935) , ML25 (RDB15936) , ... A rapid and robust method for selective isotope labeling of proteins.
Yeast FYP1557 , FYP1558 The ancient claudin Dni2 facilitates yeast cell fusion by compartmentalizing Dni1 into a membrane subdomain.
Yeast NBRP , S. pombe strains , FY21204 Subtelomeres constitute a safeguard for gene expression and chromosome homeostasis.
General Microbes JCM 9340 Cross-species investigation of the functions of the Rhodobacter PufX polypeptide and the composition of the RC-LH1 core complex.
C.elegans tm3425 , tm3077 Autophagy activity contributes to programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm2816 Counterbalance between BAG and URX neurons via guanylate cyclases controls lifespan homeostasis in C. elegans.