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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Poaceae / genetics)
Species Resource Title
GBIF Herbarium of Shinshu University , Plant specimens of Parthenon Tama Museum (PTHM) , Plant specimens of Obihiro Centennial City Museum , Vascular plant specimens of Nagano Environmental Conservation Research Institute, Nagano Prefecture , Plant Observation Records of Japan , Vascular plant specimens of Toyama Science Museum , Long-term fauna and flora records of the experimental forests of the Forest Research Station of Hokkaido University, Japan , Plant specimens of Toyota City Nature Sanctuary , Plant specimens of Otaru Museum , Plant specimens of Komatsu City Museum , ... Correlated evolution of dispersal traits and habitat preference in the melicgrasses.
Wheat KU-2731 , KU-2735 , KU-2752 , KU-2760 , KU-2762 , KU-2764 , KU-2766 , KU-2770 , KU-2932 , KU-4001 , ... Discrepancy of flowering time between genetically close sublineages of Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk.
Wheat KU-8116 , KU-8120 , KU-8122 , KU-8125 , KU-8136 , KU-8139 , KU-8143 , KU-8162 , KU-8186 , KU-8201 , ... Phenotypic effects of Am genomes in nascent synthetic hexaploids derived from interspecific crosses between durum and wild einkorn wheat.
Wheat KU-4017 , KU-4026 , KU-4035 , KU-4043 , KU-4052 , KU-4103 , KU-5934 , KU-5954 , KU-8-7 , KU-12180 RNA-seq analysis reveals considerable genetic diversity and provides genetic markers saturating all chromosomes in the diploid wild wheat relative Aegilops umbellulata.
Wheat Cytological observation of chromosome breakage in wheat male gametophytes caused by gametocidal action of Aegilops triuncialis-derived chromosome 3Ct.
Wheat TACBOW0283 , TACBOW0284 , TACBOW0285 , TACBOW0286 , TACBOW0287 , TACBOW0288 , TACBOW0289 , TACBOW0290 , TACBOW0291 , TACBOW0292 , ... Chromosome Specific Substitution Lines of Aegilops geniculata Alter Parameters of Bread Making Quality of Wheat.
Wheat wheat Salt tolerance during germination and seedling growth of wild wheat Aegilops tauschii and its impact on the species range expansion.
Wheat KU-101-3 , KU-8001 , KU-3620 , KU-199-5 , KU-199- 8 , KU-199-9 , KU-199-11 , KU-199-16 , KU-2059 , KU-2828 Comparison of gene expression profiles and responses to zinc chloride among inter- and intraspecific hybrids with growth abnormalities in wheat and its relatives.
Rice W0630 , W0720 , W1169 , W1627 , W0008 , W1514 Physiological and molecular characterization of Si uptake in wild rice species.
Wheat KU-2010 , KU-2016 , KU-2022 , KU-2025 , KU-2027 , KU-20281 , KU-2032 , KU-2042 , KU-2043 , KU-2056 , ... Population structure of wild wheat D-genome progenitor Aegilops tauschii Coss.: implications for intraspecific lineage diversification and evolution of common wheat.
Wheat KU-2059 , KU-2025 , KU-2075 , KU-2828 , KU-2159 , KU-2012 , KU-2145 Autoimmune response and repression of mitotic cell division occur in inter-specific crosses between tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii Coss. that show low temperature-induced hybrid necrosis.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pdp23453 The function of the RNA-binding protein TEL1 in moss reveals ancient regulatory mechanisms of shoot development.
Wheat KU-2-1 , KU-14621-1 , KU-14627-1 , KU-14610-1 , KU-14615-1 , KU-14652-1 , KU-14656-1 , KU-107-1 , KU-107-2 , KU-12199 , ... Molecular analysis of phosphomannomutase (PMM) genes reveals a unique PMM duplication event in diverse Triticeae species and the main PMM isozymes in bread wheat tissues.
Wheat EST , CS(LPGKU2269)? , Norin26(LPGKU2270)? , Norin61(LPGKU2271)? , CSdt7BS(LPGKU2039) Altered expression of wheat AINTEGUMENTA homolog, WANT-1, in pistil and pistil-like transformed stamen of an alloplasmic line with Aegilops crassa cytoplasm.
Rice , INFORMATION W0106 , Oryzabase The oryza map alignment project: the golden path to unlocking the genetic potential of wild rice species.
INFORMATION Wheat Plant Biology. Hormones and the green revolution.
INFORMATION Rice Rice genome organization: the centromere and genome interactions.