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Species Resource Title
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda06259 AtCYT-INV1, a neutral invertase, is involved in osmotic stress-induced inhibition on lateral root growth in Arabidopsis.
DNA material pCI-Neo ADAMTS4(wt)-MH (RDB18693) , pCI-Neo ADAMTS4(3WF)-MH (RDB18694) , pCI-Neo ADAMTS4(WF)-MH (RDB18695) Requirement for C-mannosylation to be secreted and activated a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 4 (ADAMTS4).
DNA material ISM1-MH (RDB18696) , ISM1 2WF-MH (RDB18697) , ISM1 (N39Q) (RDB18698) , ISM1 (N285Q) (RDB18699) , ISM1 (N39Q/N285Q) (RDB18700) , ISM1/2WF (N39Q) (RDB18701) , ISM1/2WF (N285Q) (RDB18702) , ISM1/2WF(N39Q/N285Q) (RDB18703) Regulation of N-glycosylation and secretion of Isthmin-1 by its C-mannosylation.
General Microbes JCM 1471 Biochemical characterization of bifunctional enzymatic activity of a recombinant protein (Bp0469) from Blautia producta ATCC 27340 and its role in the utilization of arabinogalactan oligosaccharides.
Human and Animal Cells PC12-F7(RCB2800) Synaptotagmin oligomerization is essential for calcium control of regulated exocytosis.
Human and Animal Cells S3D8_Spike(RCB5393) A Functional Hydrogel Bead-Based High-Throughput Screening System for Mammalian Cells with Enhanced Secretion of Therapeutic Antibodies.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) Subcellular localization of human heparanase and its alternative splice variant in COS-7 cells.
Human and Animal Cells Hep G2 A new metabolic pathway of arsenite: arsenic-glutathione complexes are substrates for human arsenic methyltransferase Cyt19.
Human and Animal Cells BmN Expression, purification and characterization of yeast protein disulfide isomerase produced by a recombinant baculovirus-mediated silkworm, Bombyx mori, pupae expression system.
Human and Animal Cells NIAS-MB-32(RCB0413) Mamestra brassicae NIAS-Mb-32 cell strain 2g2 enables high-yield recombinant protein production in baculovirus-free and baculovirus-based insect cell expression.
Human and Animal Cells BALB/3T3 clone A31(RCB0005) Identification of binding domains for basic fibroblast growth factor in proteoglycan macrophage colony-stimulating factor.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) Liver specific kynurenine(alanine):glyoxylate aminotransferase was expressed in kidney cell line.
Zebrafish hspGFFDMC131A , UAS:GFP Mechanism of pectoral fin outgrowth in zebrafish development.
Human and Animal Cells 409B2(HPS0076) Lineage recording in human cerebral organoids.
DNA material pJN-eKAZ (RDB19841) , pJNC-eKAZ (RDB19851) , pJNC-GLsp-eKAZ (RDB19852) Luminescence enhancement of the catalytic 19 kDa protein (KAZ) of Oplophorus luciferase by three amino acid substitutions.
DNA material pCL31 (RDB19838) Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of an isotype of clytin, a calcium-binding photoprotein from the luminous hydromedusa Clytia gregarium.
DNA material pJN-RLBP (RDB19832) Expression, purification and characterization of calcium-triggered luciferin-binding protein of Renilla reniformis.
DNA material pMRXIP-GFP-hATG2A (RDB19782) Differential requirement for ATG2A domains for localization to autophagic membranes and lipid droplets.
Yeast pNHK53, pMK152 Multiple signaling kinases target Mrc1 to prevent genomic instability triggered by transcription-replication conflicts.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) , Hep G2(RCB0459) , COS-7(RCB0539) Hepatitis C virus core protein activates nuclear factor kappa B-dependent signaling through tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor.