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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells AZ521(RCB2087) , GT3TKB(RCB0885) Expression of the SRY-related HMG box protein SOX2 in human gastric carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) Direct interaction between a quinoline derivative, MS-209, and multidrug resistance protein (MRP) in human gastric cancer cells.
Human and Animal Cells SH-10-TC(RCB1940) Selective Inhibition of STRN3-Containing PP2A Phosphatase Restores Hippo Tumor-Suppressor Activity in Gastric Cancer.
Human and Animal Cells MKN28(RCB1000) ZIC1 modulates cell-cycle distributions and cell migration through regulation of sonic hedgehog, PI(3)K and MAPK signaling pathways in gastric cancer.
Human and Animal Cells MKN28(RCB1000) Annexin A1 sustains tumor metabolism and cellular proliferation upon stable loss of HIF1A.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) , MKN28(RCB1000) AKT inhibitor suppresses hyperthermia-induced Ndrg2 phosphorylation in gastric cancer cells.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) , MKN74(RCB1002) Prognostic impact of RING box protein-1 (RBX1) expression in gastric cancer.
Human and Animal Cells NUGC-4(RCB1939) Trastuzumab upregulates programmed death ligand-1 expression through interaction with NK cells in gastric cancer.
Human and Animal Cells MKN28(RCB1000) , MKN45(RCB1001) The disintegrin-metalloproteinases ADAM9, ADAM12, and ADAM15 are upregulated in gastric cancer.
Human and Animal Cells 293(RCB1637) Aberrantly expressed recoverin is functionally associated with G-protein-coupled receptor kinases in cancer cell lines.
Human and Animal Cells GCIY(RCB0555) , Kato III(RCB2088) , MKN74(RCB1002) , NUGC-4(RCB1939) Therapeutic potential of PRL-3 targeting and clinical significance of PRL-3 genomic amplification in gastric cancer.
Human and Animal Cells MKN1(RCB1003) , MKN45(RCB1001) , MKN74(RCB1002) Prognostic significance of osteopontin expression in human gastric carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells MKN7(RCB0999) , MKN45(RCB1001) , MKN74(RCB1002) , NUGC-4(RCB1939) , HGC-27(RCB0500) The expression of the alpha1 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase is related to tumor development and clinical outcomes in gastric cancer.
Human and Animal Cells Kato III(RCB2088) , MKN74(RCB1002) , NUGC-4(RCB1939) , GSS(RCB2277) , GCIY(RCB0555) , MKN45(RCB1001) A compensatory role of NF-κB to p53 in response to 5-FU-based chemotherapy for gastric cancer cell lines.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) , MKN74(RCB1002) Interleukin-6 mediates epithelial-stromal interactions and promotes gastric tumorigenesis.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) , MKN74(RCB1002) , MKN7(RCB0999) , HuG1-N(RCB1179) Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase-1 inhibitor as a potent therapeutic drug for the treatment of gastric cancer.
Human and Animal Cells HGC-27(RCB0500) , MKN74(RCB1002) A novel circular RNA circ_HN1/miR-628-5p/Ecto-5'-nucleotidase competing endogenous RNA network regulates gastric cancer development.
Human and Animal Cells RGM1(RCB0876) Astaxanthin induces NADPH oxidase activation and receptor‑interacting protein kinase 1‑mediated necroptosis in gastric cancer AGS cells.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Activated macrophages promote Wnt signalling through tumour necrosis factor-alpha in gastric tumour cells.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Activation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling by the prostaglandin E(2) receptor EP4 pathway during gastric tumorigenesis.