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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Mice AND Author's Country of Origin = Spain)
Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC04395 Differential kinetics of splenic CD169+ macrophage death is one underlying cause of virus infection fate regulation.
Mice RBRC06402 IGF2 interacts with the imprinted gene Cdkn1c to promote terminal differentiation of neural stem cells.
Mice RBRC01253 Zona Pellucida sperm-binding protein 3 receptor distribution during Gopc-/- globozoospermic spermatogenesis.
Mice RBRC03163 Protective role of microglial HO-1 blockade in aging: Implication of iron metabolism.
Mice RBRC03163 Microglial HO-1 induction by curcumin provides antioxidant, antineuroinflammatory, and glioprotective effects.
Mice RBRC00806 The relationship of autophagy defects to cartilage damage during joint aging in a mouse model.
Mice RBRC00165 Shh/Boc signaling is required for sustained generation of ipsilateral projecting ganglion cells in the mouse retina.
Mice RBRC01390 , RBRC03163 The microglial α7-acetylcholine nicotinic receptor is a key element in promoting neuroprotection by inducing heme oxygenase-1 via nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2.
Mice RBRC00165 Zic2 regulates the expression of Sert to modulate eye-specific refinement at the visual targets.
Mice RBRC00267 Gene silencing by RNAi in mouse Sertoli cells.
Mice RBRC01145 Tissue-specific requirements for FGF8 during early inner ear development.
Mice RBRC00165 Zic2 promotes axonal divergence at the optic chiasm midline by EphB1-dependent and -independent mechanisms.
Mice RBRC00806 Premature aging in mice activates a systemic metabolic response involving autophagy induction.
Mice Tissue-specific autophagy alterations and increased tumorigenesis in mice deficient in Atg4C/autophagin-3.