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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Rice AND Resource = W0630)
Species Resource Title
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W0137 , W0180 , W0593 , W0630 , W1230 , W1236 , W1294 , W1551 , ... Identification and evolution of a diterpenoid phytoalexin oryzalactone biosynthetic gene in the genus Oryza
Rice W0630 Detection of novel loci involved in non-seed-shattering behaviour of an indica rice cultivar, Oryza sativa IR36.
Rice W0630 Genetic evaluation of domestication-related traits in rice: implications for the archaeobotany of rice origins
Rice W0630 Evaluation of Domestication Loci Associated with Awnlessness in Cultivated Rice, Oryza sativa.
Rice W0630 イネの栽培化関連形質の評価: 植物遺伝学と考古植物学との融和研究 Evaluation of the domesticationrelated traits in rice: plant genetics meets archaeobotany
Rice W0630 Domestication Loci Controlling Panicle Shape, Seed Shattering, and Seed Awning
Rice W0630 Detection of a novel locus involved in non-seed-shattering behaviour of Japonica rice cultivar, Oryzasativa 'Nipponbare'.
Rice W0630 Gene interaction at seed-awning loci in the genetic background of wild rice.
Rice W0630 Estimation of loci involved in non-shattering of seeds in early rice domestication.
Rice W0630 Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling Floral Morphology of Rice Using a Backcross Population between Common Cultivated Rice, Oryza sativa and Asian Wild Rice, O. rufipogon
Rice W0630 Evaluation of shooting and rooting ability from nodes and ratooning ability using backcross recombinant inbred lines between Oryza rufipogon and O. sativa
Rice W0630 Inhibition of abscission layer formation by an interaction of two seed-shattering loci, sh4 and qSH3, in rice.
Rice W1724 , W1945 , W1236 , W0120 , W2103 , W1230 , W1540 , W2109 , W2078 , W0600 , ... Two Tightly Linked Genes at the hsa1 Locus Cause Both F1 and F2 Hybrid Sterility in Rice.
Rice W0630 , W0720 , W1169 , W1627 , W0008 , W1514 Physiological and molecular characterization of Si uptake in wild rice species.
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W0157 , W0574 , W0593 , W0630 , W1294 , W1666 , W1715 , W1807 , ... Natural variation of the RICE FLOWERING LOCUS T 1 contributes to flowering time divergence in rice.
Rice W0630 Effect of quantitative trait loci for seed shattering on abscission layer formation in Asian wild rice Oryza rufipogon.
Rice W0630 , O. rufipogon , O. officinalis , O. eichingeri , O. rhizomatis , Oryzabase The International Oryza Map Alignment Project: development of a genus-wide comparative genomics platform to help solve the 9 billion-people question.
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W1294 , W1866 , W1921 , W2003 , W0630 , W1236 , W1807 , W1945 , ... Loss of function of the IAA-glucose hydrolase gene TGW6 enhances rice grain weight and increases yield.
Rice W0001 , W0002 , W0003 , W0005 , W0008 , W0016 , W0017 , W0018 , W0019 , W0067(B) , ... Development of INDEL markers to discriminate all genome types rapidly in the genus Oryza.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes , Rice rpd00105 , W0630 OsLG1 regulates a closed panicle trait in domesticated rice.