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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Morning Glory AND Resource = AK311)
Species Resource Title
Morning Glory AK1 , AK10 , AK19 , AK23 , AK31 , AK40 , AK307 , AK311 , Q0055 , Q0114 , ... Anthocyanin mutants of Japanese and common morning glories exhibit normal proanthocyanidin accumulation in seed coats.
Morning Glory AK1 , AK5 , AK62 , AK302 , AK311 , Q0073 , Q0531 , Q0853 , Q0854 , JMFF023O06 Spontaneous mutations of the UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase gene confers pale- and dull-colored flowers in the Japanese and common morning glories.
Morning Glory AK301 , AK302 , AK303 , AK304 , AK305 , AK306 , AK311 , AK312 Molecular characterization of the mutable flaked allele for flower variegation in the common morning glory.
Morning Glory AK5 , AK9 , AK303 , AK311 Genomic organization of the genes encoding dihydroflavonol 4-reductase for flower pigmentation in the Japanese and common morning glories.
Morning Glory AK311 , AK313 , AK314 , AK316 , AK317 , AK321 , AK322 , AK333 A bHLH regulatory gene in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea, controls anthocyanin biosynthesis in flowers, proanthocyanidin and phytomelanin pigmentation in seeds, and seed trichome formation.
Morning Glory AK5 , AK26 , AK29 , AK33 , AK36 , AK37 , AK38 , AK39 , AK43 , AK47 , ... Spontaneous mutations of the flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase gene conferring reddish flowers in the three morning glory species.