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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Lotus / Glycine AND Resource = LegumeBase)
Species Resource Title
Lotus / Glycine RILs from a cross betwenn Misuzudaizu and Moshidou gong 503 , LegumeBase QTL analysis for soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) seed storability in high-temperature storage conditions
Lotus / Glycine MG-20 , MAFF303099 , LegumeBase Lotus japonicus regulates root nodulation and nitrogen fixation dependent on the molecular form of nitrogen fertilizer
Lotus / Glycine LegumeBase マメ科植物研究のためのミヤコグサバイオリソース
Lotus / Glycine Glycine soja B04158 , LegumeBase Precise Exchange of the Helper-Component Proteinase Cistron Between Soybean mosaic virus and Clover yellow vein virus: Impact on Virus Viability and Host Range Specificity
Lotus / Glycine LORE1a insertion lines cbx1-4 (30007045) , LegumeBase APETALA 2 transcription factor CBX1 is a regulator of mycorrhizal symbiosis and growth of Lotus japonicus
Lotus / Glycine LegumeBase Impacts of genomic research on soybean improvement in East Asia.
Lotus / Glycine LegumeBase Recent genetic research on Japanese soybeans in response to the escalation of food use worldwide
Lotus / Glycine E013-C-1 , LegumeBase Genetic and Chemical Analysis of Deep Purple Flower in Soybean.
Lotus / Glycine LegumeBase The National BioResource Project (NBRP) Lotus and Glycine in Japan.
Lotus / Glycine LegumeBase Lotus japonicus as a platform for legume research.