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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Medaka AND Author's Country of Origin = Singapore)
Species Resource Title
Medaka HdrR-II1 (IB178) Identifying Universal Fish Biomarker Genes in Response to PCB126 Exposure by Comparative Transcriptomic Analyses
Medaka ctsk:mCherry (TG1130) , ctsk:mEGFP (TG1131) , ctsk:nlGFP (TG1132) An adult osteopetrosis model in medaka reveals the importance of osteoclast function for bone remodeling in teleost fish.
Medaka osx_tv1mutant/osx:mCherry (TG1138) , col10a1:nlGFP (TG1129) A vertebrate-specific and essential role for osterix in osteogenesis revealed by gene knockout in the teleost medaka.
Medaka rankl:HSE:CFP (TG1135) , ctsk:nlGFP (TG1132) , rankl:HSE:CFP/ctsk:nlGFP (TG1139) , osx:mCherry (TG1134) Live imaging of osteoclast inhibition by bisphosphonates in a medaka osteoporosis model.
Medaka HdrR-II1 (IB178) Differential GFP expression patterns induced by different heavy metals in Tg(hsp70:gfp) transgenic medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Medaka database Parameters and efficiency of direct gene disruption by zinc finger nucleases in medaka embryos.
Medaka HdrR-II1(IB178) Gene replacement by zinc finger nucleases in medaka embryos.
Medaka Hd-rRII1(IB178) GFP transgenic medaka (Oryzias latipes) under the inducible cyp1a promoter provide a sensitive and convenient biological indicator for the presence of TCDD and other persistent organic chemicals.
Medaka HdrR-II1 (IB178) Maize Ac/Ds transposon system leads to highly efficient germline transmission of transgenes in medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Medaka Hatching enzyme , OK-Cab (MT830) , rankl:HSE:CFP (TG1135) , ctsk:mEGFP (TG1131) Rankl-induced osteoclastogenesis leads to loss of mineralization in a medaka osteoporosis model.
Medaka Hatching enzyme , OK-Cab (MT830) , osx:mCherry (TG1134) Conditional ablation of osteoblasts in medaka.
Medaka BAC clone , Hatching enzyme , OK-Cab (MT830) , col10a1:nlGFP (TG1129) , osx:mCherry (TG1134) A col10a1:nlGFP transgenic line displays putative osteoblast precursors at the medaka notochordal sheath prior to mineralization.
Medaka Hatching enzyme , osc:eGFP (TG1133) Osterix/Sp7 regulates biomineralization of otoliths and bone in medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Medaka database , osx:mCherry (TG1134) , osc:eGFP (TG1133) Osterix-mCherry transgenic medaka for in vivo imaging of bone formation.